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    (國立臺灣師範大學, 2015-03-01) 陳秋梅
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    (1993/11/19-20) 施玉惠; 黃燦遂; 周中天; 李欣蓉; 林麗杏; 陳秋梅
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    (國立臺灣師範大學, 1998-10-01) 陳秋梅; 李世文 
    本研究旨在瞭解台語回應信號 (Reactive Tokens) 在會話中的使用情形。本文的語料採自收音機的叩應節目,內容長約兩小時,總共轉寫了 4517 個語調單位,含括 52 位說話者,其中 48 位為男生。初步的分類大致參考 Clancy 等人 1996 年的研究架構。然而在分析過程中,我們發現一些定義上的問題:(一)回應信號並不一定表示說話者都會讓出發言權,有 29% 的說話者並未將發言權交還給主要的說話者。(二)回應信號並非都是肯定的,在某些情境下也可以是否定詞。(三)在決定某個回應信號是否真為回應信號時,其出現的位置似乎比本身的語意更具決定性。(四)若嚴格遵守 Clancy 等人所提的定義,則形式和功能之間會有明顯的衝突,顯然我們需要另一套分類的方法。本研究結果如下:在台語叩應電話交談中,回應信號的出現頻率非常顯著;大約每 3.83 個語調單位就有一個回應信號出現。可見在沒有視覺管道時,台語使用者在交談互動中,其實遠比 Clancy 等人所觀察到的國語使用者要活躍的多。另外回應信號的多少也與溝通的媒介、言談者之間的熟悉度、場合的正式性、話題、溝通的目的和技巧、以及個人風格有關。一般而言,台語使用者傾向將回應信號 (93%) 放在理想中的話輪轉換處 (TRPs) 之後。如果說話者在回應信號之後繼續說話時,我們發現這經常是因為上一個說話者的話輪已經到達了一個高層次的語用結束點 (possible global pragmatic completion point).
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    (文鶴出版有限公司, 2014-01-01) 陳秋梅
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    A Study on Taiwaness Sentence Final Particle "A"
    (臺灣師範大學英語學系, 1993-05-01) 陳秋梅
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    (國立臺灣師範大學英語文教學中心、Airiti Press Inc., 1993-10-01) 陳秋梅
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    (國立臺灣師範大學英語文教學中心、Airiti Press Inc., 1996-07-01) 陳秋梅
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    Mandarin Third Tone Sandhi Revisited
    (臺灣師範大學英語學系, 1998-06-01) 陳秋梅
    This study attempts to give a more adequate account for Mandarin third tone sandhi (T3S) in the light of the optimality theory. In view of the possible discrepancy between the researcher's intuition and the actual behavior, this study bases its analysis on the real outputs of strings of T3 words produced by fluent speakers of Mandarin. It is found that Mandarin TS domains are the result of the interaction between various constraints, i.e. the Lexicon, NAL, AR/NAR, Maximal Domain & NST3 constraints. The former three are derived from the morpho-syntactic consideration of the utterances concerned and the latter two from the general principle of prosodic structure in Mandarin. As for their rank, the Lexicon is the highest, the NAL the second, and the then NAR/AR, Maximal Domain & NST3 constraints. In general, the subjects in the experiment share strong consensus about the reading patterns of lexemes and frequently cited idioms, but beyond this level, variation arises because of the competition among the proposed constraints. Those tone patterns that violate no constraint or violate less of the lower-ranked constraints are al potential optimal forms. Moreover, it is found that performance and pragmatic constraints may be placed even higher than these formally-oriented constraints. However, to make this finding more convincing, a further study is suggested.