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Item 以快感為名之激進/陳腐邪惡(國立臺灣大學外國語文學系, 2009-06-01) 黃涵榆漢娜鄂蘭在其政治與道德理論中一直都關注著邪惡的問題,她所提出的極權體制中的「激進邪惡」與「惡之陳腐」的概念,引發諸多關於道德思考、判斷與責任的論爭。本文透過拉崗精神分析倫理學與紀傑克意識形態批判理論,闡述看似矛盾的「激進邪惡」與「惡之陳腐」兩個概念之間的同一性。本文所援引的政治與道德分析理論架構特別重視慾望、幻想與快感,觀照超我、道德與邪惡之間錯綜複雜的關聯。文末將論證「以快感為名之激進/陳腐邪惡」何以在極權體制之後繼續在當前時代中陰魂不散。Item Trauma, Paranoia, and Ecological Fantasy in Don DeLillo’s Underworld(Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, 2009-03-01) 黃涵榆Abstract Don DeLillo’s Underworld (1997) depicts contemporary American realities across a span from the 1950s to 1990s. The novel’s narrative, however expansive and digressive, consistently develops around waste and trauma. This paper, in the light of Lacanian/Žižekian psychoanalytic theory, looks at waste/trauma not as a fully present object of the novel’s representation but as an excess, a remainder of Cold-War politics and capitalist industrial-military modes of production, and more significantly, the object a that arouses the subject’s fascination and fear at the same time. Such an understanding especially pertains to the novel’s protagonist, Nick Shay. Further, the novel narrativizes the paranoid-conspiratorial belief that “everything is connected” and that there are always larger forces beyond the subject. This paper will also examine such an ideological contradiction and work out an ethics, both psychoanalytic and ecological, that departs from political and moral sentimentalism, from cynicism and apathy, and sees in waste something more than danger, threat, or even doom. This paper, then, aims at the possibility of working through ecological fantasy toward a psychoanalytic ethics of waste.