
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/19

本系成立於民國42年8月,原系名為「家政系」,民國55年改名為「家政教育學系」,以培育國中、高中家政教師師資為主要目標,數十年來已為國家社會培育出無數優秀的家政師資。隨後又於民國71年成立碩士班,85年成立博士班。近年來,我國面臨少子化的趨勢造成師資需求減少,以及高齡化社會的來臨使得家庭內部與外部產生不同的變化與需求,本系在多年前就前瞻性地將課程以人類發展生命歷程(life course)觀點為基礎加以規劃,並於民國91年更名為「人類發展與家庭學系」。







Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
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    Effects of dietary mixtures of amino acids on fetal growth and maternal and fetal amino acids pools in experimental maternal phenylketonuria
    (American Society for Nutrition, 1999-04-01) Austic, R. E., Su, C.-L., Strupp, B. J., and Levitsky, D. A.
    Background: Branched-chain amino acids have been reported to improve fetal brain development in a rat model in which maternal phenylketonuria (PKU) is induced by the inclusion of an inhibitor of phenylalanine hydroxylase, DL-p-chlorophenylalanine, and L-phenylalanine in the diet. Objective: We studied whether a dietary mixture of several large neutral amino acids (LNAAs) would improve fetal brain growth and normalize the fetal brain amino acid profile in a rat model of maternal PKU induced by DL-α-methylphenylalanine (AMPhe). Design: Long-Evans rats were fed a basal diet or a similar diet containing 0.5% AMPhe + 3.0% L-phenylalanine (AMPhe + Phe diet) from day 11 until day 20 of gestation in experiments to test various mixtures of LNAAs. Maternal weight gains and food intakes to day 20, fetal body and brain weights at day 20, and fetal brain and fetal and maternal plasma amino acid concentrations at day 20 were measured. Results: Concentrations of phenylalanine and tyrosine in fetal brain and in maternal and fetal plasma were higher and fetal brain weights were lower in rats fed the AMPhe + Phe diet than in rats fed the basal diet. However, fetal brain growth was higher and concentrations of phenylalanine and tyrosine in fetal brain and in maternal and fetal plasma were lower in rats fed the AMPhe + Phe diet plus LNAAs than in rats fed the diet containing AMPhe + Phe alone. Conclusion: LNAA supplementation of the diet improved fetal amino acid profiles and alleviated most, but not all, of the depression in fetal brain growth observed in this model of maternal PKU.
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    The recycling of L-citrulline to L-arginine in a chicken macrophage cell line
    (the Poultry Science Association, 1999-03-01) Su, C.-L., and Austic, R. E.
    L-Arginine is the only biological substrate of nitric oxide synthase in a reaction yielding NO and L-citrulline as co-products. The resynthesis of L-arginine from L-citrulline has been observed in murine macrophages. However, it is not known whether avian macrophages have a similar capacity for the synthesis of arginine. The present studies were carried out to determine whether L-citrulline can support NO (measured as nitrite) production in the HD11 cell, a chicken macrophage cell line. When added to media lacking L-arginine, L-citrulline supported a low level of nitrite accumulation: about 4 to 11% of the amount of nitrite formed from an equivalent concentration of L-arginine. Aspartic acid was not limiting for NO production from citrulline.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系, 1993-07-01) 蘇建文; 黃迺毓
    本研究主要目的有三:(1)探討Main and cossidy之6歲兒童依附關係測量方法的可行性;(2)了解我國6歲兒童與母親依附關係的品質與分類;(3)比較安全依附兒童與不安全依附兒童學校中社會能力表現的差異。本研究的受試係80名幼稚園大班兒童及其母親,首先邀請母請與受試前來師大教育心理與輔導學系兒童觀察室,接受6歲兒童依附關係觀察測量,然後以學前兒童社會能力量表,學前兒童行為量表、幼兒人際問題解決能力測驗,以及情感角色取替測驗等四項工具,來測量幼兒的社會能力“本研究之主要結果如下: 1.本研究6歲兒童依附關係測量結果中顯示,受試之安全依附強度與其對母親之重聚行為,包括看母親、對母親微笑、主動與母親互動、回應與配合母親的邀請,以及與母親共同操弄玩具等行為之間具有顯著之正相關關係,而受試之安全依附強度與其逃避母親強度之間則具有顯著之負相關關係。 2.本研究發現,按照Main and cassidy之依附關係分類標準,合於逃避型標準之受試,即不安全型者有15名,佔全體人數之18.75%,其餘均為安全型者,佔81.25%,而抗拒型與控制型者均未出現。 3.本研究進一步將安全型受試分為非常高安全、高安全、中安全,以及低安全四組,再加上不安全組,共為五組,並比較這五組受試社會能力表現的差異,結果發現安全型受試與不安全型受試在學前兒童社會能力、問題行為,以及情感性角色取替能力等方面均無顯著的差異。而非常高安全型與不安全型受試在幼兒人際問題解決能力方面,則具有顯著的差異。非常高安全型的受試表現出較多的流暢性、變通性,以及利社會策略。