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Item Solution-Processable Pyrite FeS2 Nanocrystals for the Fabrication of Heterojunction Photodiodes with Visible to NIR Photodetection(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2012-07-03) D.-Y. Wang; Y.-T. Jiang; C.-C. Lin; S.-S. Li; Y.T. Wang; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-W. ChenA heterojunction photodiode with NIR photoresponse using solution processable pyrite FeS2 nanocrystal ink is demonstrated which has the advantages of earth-abundance and non-toxicity. The device consists of a FeS2 nanocrystal (NC) thin film sandwiched with semiconducting metal oxides with a structure of ITO/ZnO/FeS2 NC/MoO3/Au, which exhibits an excellent photoresponse with a spectral response extended to NIR wavelengths of up to 1150 nm and a high photocurrent/dark current ratio of up to 8000 at -1 V under AM1.5 illumination (100 mW cm−2).Item Enhanced Infrared Light Harvesting of Inorganic Nanocrystal Photovoltaic and Photodetector on Graphene Electrode(American Institute of Physics, 2011-06-27) C.-C. Lin; D.-Y. Wang; K.-H. Tu; Y.-T. Jiang; M.-H. Hsieh; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-W. ChenWe demonstrate an enhancement of infrared light harvesting of inorganic PbSnanocrystalphotovoltaic and photodetectordevices based on the transparent grapheneelectrode. Due to high infrared transparency of the grapheneelectrode with respect to indium tin oxide (ITO), the infrared photoresponse of the graphene-based device is superior to the ITO-based counterpart, in spite of a higher sheet resistance of the grapheneelectrode. The outstanding infrared characteristics of the devices based on the grapheneelectrode make it a promising candidate for infrared optoelectronic applications such as solar cells, imaging and sensing, or optical communication.Item A Triantennary Dendritic Galactoside-Capped Nanohybrid with a ZnS/CdSe Nanoparticle Core as a Hydrophilic, Fluorescent, Multivalent Probe for Metastatic Lung Cancer Cells(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2008-02-22) C.-T. Chen; Y.-S. Munot; S.-B. Salunke; Y.-C. Wang; R.-K. Lin; C.-C. Lin; Chia-Chun Chen; Y-H. LiuA new tri-antennary, galactoside-capped gallamide dendritic anchor with thiolate focal group is synthesized via click chemistry. The highly hydrophilic dendron was efficiently anchored onto the surface of CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanoparticles in a covalent fashion, as evidenced by 1H NMR spectrum of the resultant nanohybrid with intact core fluorescent property. The water-soluble nano-hybrid was found smoothly and selectively uptaken by lung cancer cells enriched with membrane-bound asialoprotein receptors in 2–3 h, as evidenced by confocal microscopic analysis. Furthermore, cancer cells that are undergoing active mitosis also tend to uptake the nanohybrids efficiently and remain sustainable in serum-containing medium for several days, which shed light on its application as a photodynamic drug carrier for apoptosis study.Item Globotriose-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles as Multivalent Probes for Shiga-like Toxin(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2008-05-05) Y.-Y. Chien; M.-D. Jan; A.-K. Adak; H.-C. Tzeng; Y.-P. Lin; Y.-J. Chen; K.-T. Wang; C.-T. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen; C.-C. LinCompared to monovalent carbohydrates, multivalent carbohydrate ligands exhibit significantly enhanced binding affinities to their interacting proteins. Here, we report globotriose (Pk ligand)-functionalized gold nanoparticle (AuNP) probes for the investigation of multivalent interactions with the B5 subunit of Shiga-like toxin I (B-Slt). Six Pk-ligand-encapsulated AuNPs (Pk-AuNPs) of varying particle size and linker length were synthesized and evaluated for their potential as multivalent affinity probes by using a surface plasmon resonance competition assay. The affinity of these probes for the interacting proteins was greatly affected by nanoparticle size, linker length, and ligand density on nanoparticle surface. For example, the 20-nm 20-Pk-l-AuNP, which had a relatively long linker showed a >108-fold increase in affinity compared with the mono Pk ligand. This intrinsic high-affinity AuNP probe specifically captured the recombinant B-Slt from Escherichia coli lysate, and the resulting purity of the B-Slt was >95 %. We also developed a robust Pk-AuNP-based detection method for Slt-I by combining the technique with silver enhancement.Item Selective Binding of Mannose-Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles to Type I Pili in Escherichia Coli(American Chemical Society, 2002-04-10) C.-C. Lin; Y.-C. Yeh; C.-Y. Yang; C.-L. Chen; G.-F. Chen; Chia-Chun Chen; Y.-C. WuThe synthesis, characterization and biological application of mannose encapsulated gold nanoparticles (m-AuNP) are reported. m-AuNP is well dispersed and very stable without aggregation in the media of broad ion strength and pH ranges. The selective binding of m-AuNP to the mannose adhesin FimH of bacterial type 1 pili is demonstrated using transmission electron microscopy. The competition assay with free mannose suggests that m-AuNP binds FimH better than free mannose does. This work demonstrates that carbohydrate attached nanoparticles can be used as an efficient affinity label and a multi-ligand carrier in a biological system.Item Quantitative Analysis of Multivalent Interactions of Carbohydrate-Encapsulated Gold Nanoparticles with Concanavalin A(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2003-01-01) C.-C. Lin; Y.-C. Yeh; C.-Y. Yang; G.-F. Chen; Y.-C. Chen; Y.-C. Wu; Chia-Chun ChenMultivalent interactions between carbohydrate-encapsulated gold nanoparticles and Con A are found with high affinity and specificity.