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Search Results

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  • Item
    Preparation and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Encapsulated GaN Nanowires
    (Elsevier, 2001-09-10) Chia-Chun Chen; C.-C. Yeh; C.-H. Lang; C.-C. Lee; C.-H. Chen; M.-Y. Yu; H.-L. Liu; L.-C. Chen; Y.-S. Lin; K.-J. Ma; K.-H. Chen
    A novel two-step catalytic reaction is developed to synthesize gallium nitride nanowires encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes (GaN@CNT). The nanowires are prepared from the reaction of gallium metal and ammonium using metals or metal alloys as a catalyst. After the formation of the nanowires, carbon nanotubes are subsequently grown along the nanowires by chemical vapor deposition of methane. The structural and optical properties of pure GaN nanowires and GaN@CNT are characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The results show that GaN nanowires are indeed encapsulated inside carbon nanotubes. The field emission studies show that the turn-on field of GaN@CNT is higher than that of carbon nanotubes, but substantially lower than that of pure GaN nanowires. This work provides a wide route toward the preparation and applications of new one-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures.