Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/61
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Item Taiwan's 1-9 grades science and technology curriculum standards and GSL(Columbus, OH, USA: Earth Systems Education Program, The Ohio State University, 2003-03-01) Chang, C. Y.Item Changing the way student see and interact with the world via Augmented Reality technology(2013-07-14) Lin, M. C.; Kao, L. Y.; Chang, C. Y.Item Cloud Clickers: A cross-platform instant response system to increase classroom participation(2013-07-14) Chien, Y. T.; Li, T. Y.; Chang, C. Y.Item For whom is the use of animations better than static graphics to present science test questions(2013-09-07) Chien, Y. T.; Lo, W. S.; Chang, C. Y.Item The use of knowledge building tool for science learning in an elementary school(Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers., 2013-01-01) Yusoff, M.; Yu, S.; Chang, C. Y.We are living in the knowledge age that privileges knowledge production rather than knowledge consumption. The production, dissemination and reproduction of knowledge are catalyzed by the proliferation of digital media in our lives. To prepare our students for the challenges in this knowledge age, we introduced knowledge building pedagogy that is supported by Knowledge Forum, an online discussion forum. This case study research is on how the incorporation of knowledge building principles for learning of Science will engage students in developing deeper understanding of science concepts. This research involved 66 Primary Three students of mixed ability. Concept cartoon is used as a trigger to promote deep questioning for science lessons.Item Exploring students' preferences in inquiry-based learning and the possible factors that influence students' learning outcomes and in a reformed science classes(2013-07-14) Chen, C. L. D.; Lin, W. Y.; Lo, W. C.; Chang, Y. H.; Wang, C. Y.; Lu, C. H.; Chang, C. Y.Item Embodying gesture-based multimedia to enhance learning – A Study of the cloud family(2013-09-07) Chiang, C. Y.; Lin, M. C.; Chang, C. Y.Past research has shown that the gesture-based multimedia can improve learning outcome (Chang, C. Y., Chien, Y. T., Chiang, C. Y., Lin, M. C. & Lai, H. C., 2013). We designed ten gestures linking to whole cloud family under the rule of each cloud located. The predefined gestures were set as the wireless hotkeys to be recognized by Kinect for further controlling a PowerPoint presentation. The student must try to demonstrate the correct gestures in order to drive presentations. The GBS activity helped students to remember the types of cloud family quite well right after the instruction. Six months later, students still remembered more than half content about the cloud family. Therefore, gestures based teaching impress students with the type of cloud family and help students further to keep memory by doing the gestures themselves.Item Taoism, science education, and the environmental crisis(Calgary, Canada: University of Calgary Press., 2004-01-01) Hua, H. P.; Chang, C. Y.; MacRaven, M. M.Item From Gene to Education-The ECNG Research Framework: Education, Cognition, Neuroscience, and Gene(Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers., 2012-01-01) Chang, C. Y.; Yeh, T. K.Over the past decade, genetic and neuroscience research have provided exciting breakthroughs for cognitive and educational science. While exploring the mechanism of human behavior, the integration of multiple disciplines (Education, Cognitive psychology, Neuroscience, and Genetic or molecular biology studies) can now serve researchers in furthering their own research and at the same time derive meaningful implications and/or practices for learning and instruction. In this paper, we will first propose an interdisciplinary research framework, then briefly review related literature, and finally present our preliminary work in exploring the associations between genotypes and student cognitive abilities/science achievement.Item Performance Comparison for Educational Institutes –Identifying Sub-Field Characteristics by Journal Clustering for Better Ranking(2012-09-08) Tseng, Y. H.; Chang, C. Y.