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本系圖書計有地理學專用書籍萬餘冊,中外文期刊三百餘種,大比例尺地形圖兩萬餘張、中外地圖集三百餘冊、航空照片圖三千餘張。「區域研究中心」為配合鄉土地理的研究與教學,先後蒐集甚多台灣、中國大陸、亞洲鄰近國家,乃至於全球各地相關之地理研究成果與地理資訊,包括自然環境與資源、地名、地圖以及各種方志、文獻及公私典藏文書等,並應用地理資訊系統 (GIS)技術,將蒐集到的各項資料加以分類整理、建檔、研究,以充實區域地理學術研究,奠定區域研究基礎。 系裡之實驗室及教室頗具規模,如地形實驗室、水文實驗室、氣候實驗室、人文與區域地理實驗室、空間資訊實驗室、電腦教室等,這些實驗室對教學與研究均具有重大意義及指標。












Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    (國立臺灣大學理學院地理環境資源學系, 2014-06-01) 洪致文
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理系學會, 1996-06-01) 翁國盈; 陳國川 
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    (地理學系, 1990-03-??) 蔡文彩
    The paper attempts to study the district of aggregated supplementary schools near Taipei station. Both field survey and interviews have been practiced for this research. As a result, the author finds that the supplementary schools have appeared in 1953. While the accessible location of transportation node and benefits of agglomeration attract the supplementary schools to be set up since the beginning of 1970's. And from then on, the streets of area have trans-formed to be an area dominated by various kinds of supplementary schools as well as eating shops or amusing places. On the one hand, the functions of the streets represent unique spatial structure which are mixed by offices, supplementary schools, and eating places. On the other hand, their activities perform a regular rethum of daily, weekly, or annually circlings. But at present, the streets are suffered from the impact of rising rent and government's policies that may threaten their business to survive For this reason, the fate of characteristic of the district become unknown and cloudy. However, the area, which is located near the transportation node of Taipei station, will still play a important role of business activities vividly in the future.
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 吳劍蘭
    The focus of this paper is to examine, through the interviews and questionaires I have made, the environmental perception and adjustment of the residents who live in the badly polluted Nannkang(南港)and Neihur(內湖)areas of Taipei. The approach I’ve taking is mainly the environmental perception study. According to my research, the residents’ image of the environment and behavior result from the informa?tion provided by the substantial environment, the specific places they live, and their characteristics. On the other hand, their behavior also affects the environment. The pollutions in the targeted area sinclude air, noise, the sanitary landfilI site in Neihur arid the water of Keelung river. The air pollution is caused by the suspended particulates and the noise by the bad traffic. Noticeably, the land of these two areas is highly used for industries and, moreover, the residents are seldom separated from plants. Residents are not satisfied with their living environment, especially those who live in Sanchung(三重)and Peikang(北港)neighborhoods. Attitudes toward pollution are related to differences in educational and occupational level. Residents who are the higher edlicational level and employed by government tend to be less satisfied with their living environment. Results also indicate that environmentaI perception can be explained by the locational attributes of residents. As to the adjustments, residents preferred to rely on emergency action such as "close windows" or "stay indoors”, some of them were considering moving away from these polluted areas, and significantly less willing to adopt the anti-polIution behavior.
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 黃阿有; 陳美鈴; 曾正雄
    Synthetic studies on dynamic environment have long been developed by Interna?tional Geographical Union; a series of reports and maps have been published. Recently, due to the socio-economic progresses made in the Republic of China, the natural environments have been polluted gradually, which has aroused public concerns. However, some improvements on environment have been made though the government efforts. Since Taipei City is characterized by its high density of population, rapid industrialization and urbanization, environmental impacts are inevitable. Although a lot of important records in this field have been listed periodically and many reports have been published by both the government and individual researchers, there still seems a need of an integrated study and synthetic mapping on dynamic environments. Therefore, Taipei City is chosen as a study area in this project. According to 1:5,000 map and excursion, the supplementary survey and the study of environmental basis, destruction and preservation have been completed. Besides, the synthetic maps have been made. The results show the dynamic environment of Taipei City during the past ten years, which will provide some references for future regional planning and development.
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    (地理學系, 2004-11-??) 高崇真; 周素卿
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    The Spatial Organization of Crime Phenomena in Taipei
    (國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1984-10-??) 孟靜
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    A Socio-Economical Analysis of Taipei
    (國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1986-10-??) 陳富美
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    (國立台灣師範大學地理學系, 1980-06-??) 李薰楓