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本系圖書計有地理學專用書籍萬餘冊,中外文期刊三百餘種,大比例尺地形圖兩萬餘張、中外地圖集三百餘冊、航空照片圖三千餘張。「區域研究中心」為配合鄉土地理的研究與教學,先後蒐集甚多台灣、中國大陸、亞洲鄰近國家,乃至於全球各地相關之地理研究成果與地理資訊,包括自然環境與資源、地名、地圖以及各種方志、文獻及公私典藏文書等,並應用地理資訊系統 (GIS)技術,將蒐集到的各項資料加以分類整理、建檔、研究,以充實區域地理學術研究,奠定區域研究基礎。 系裡之實驗室及教室頗具規模,如地形實驗室、水文實驗室、氣候實驗室、人文與區域地理實驗室、空間資訊實驗室、電腦教室等,這些實驗室對教學與研究均具有重大意義及指標。












Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系地理學會, 2009-06-01) 張瑞津; 沈淑敏; 黃美惠 
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1989-03-01) 沈淑敏
    The purpose of this research is to distinguish the factors which influence the form of water苯alls. The defination of a waterfall in the study is of which the height is higher than 5m and will not dry around the year. The form discussed here includes five parts, the face of waterfall (the ratio of width and length), the inclination of fall wall, the existence of plunge pool, the appearance of cap rock, and the relationship between the dip of strata bed and river orientation. The study area includes four waterfall groups in the northern Taiwan, named Pinhsi, Tatun. Wulai and Chiaohsi group. The geological setting are quite different among four groups. There are 40 waterfalls investigated totally, 12 in Pinhsi group, 8 in Tatun group, 11 in Wulai group and 9 in Chiaohsi group, respectively. After classifying each kind of forms and factors of 40 waterfalls, I analyze the relationship between each kind of forms and factors with methods of contingency table and X2 test. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Waterfalls mostly are splender type according to the face form, inclined type to the wall form, horizontal type and reverse type to the bed form. However, there isn't a special type obviously on the form of plunge pool and of cap rock. 2. For waterfall belongs to the small scale landform, the form of it is controlled mainly by the factors of lithology.
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    (地理學系, 1995-10-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 劉明錡; 陳政典
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resources of this area more reasonably, the understanding of its geomorphological, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a main and basic task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, the morphology of estuary is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, runoff, sediments and monthly discharge, etc. are factors coming from land, while the wind, current, wave and tide etc. coming from the sea. This study focuses on eleven estuaries of the eastern coast of Taiwan. Based on the stream slope, number of channels, discharge, etc., these estuaries can be divided into straight and braided pattern. The former has sandbars or spurs, such as Hualien Hsi, Hsiukuluan Hsi and Kangkou Hsi, while the latter have braided channels, sandy-gravel sediments and changeable sandbars, such as Hoping Hsi, Liwu Hsi and the estuaries in Taitung coastal area. The eastern coast is classified as wave-dominated type according to average wave height and tidal range. The wave impacting upon the area between Hoping Hsi and Hsiukuluan Hsi is severer. The forms of the estuaries in eastern Taiwan have significant seasonal change due to the seasonal differences of discharge, monsoon and typhoon. In the summer, the channels usually become wider and the sandbars are gentler and extended seaward for most estuaries. In the winter, however, these sandbars become narrower, steeper and extend toward right bank. The mouth of channels will be narrowed or even closed when typhoon coming. The forms of estuaries are stable in the long-term scale. Eleven estuaries have only slight change during the period from 1904 to 1989, moving back and forth within the distance of 250m. The channel migration of most estuaries, however, is obvious.
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    (地理學系, 1995-03-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 劉明錡; 陳政典
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resource of this area more reasonably, the understanding of geomorphogical, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a main and basic task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, the morphology of estuary is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, opening form, runoff, sediments, and monthly discharge etc. coming from the land. While the wind current, wave and tide etc. coming from the sea. This study area focuses on 20 estuaries of the south-western coast of Taiwan. The five of them are gravel estuaries and the rest are sandy. By correlation grain size of sandy estuaries has relationship with channel gradient below 100m, width of opening and shape factor. The forms of sand bar on estuaries are changed seasonly. Most of them has a tendency migrating southward due to northern moonsoon. The 20 estuaries can be classified into the wave dominated type, the tide dominated type and the runoff dominated type according average wave height, specific discharge and tidal range. Comparing the location of 20 estuaries during the period from 1904 to 1990(85 years). Most estuaries tend to migrate westward. The changes of estuaries are controlled by the intensity of wave and precipitation, the influence of reservior and hydraulic engineering and the changes of land use.
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    (地理學系, 1991-03-??) 張瑞津; 石再添; 曾正雄; 高鵬飛; 陳美鈴
    Owing to the continuous uplift since Quaternary, rejuvenated terraces, gorges and raised alluvial fans are developed well in the eastern slope of Coastal Range. The river terraces in this area are distributed below 200 m generally. The scarps of higher level terrace are larger than that of lower level one. The gravel deposits in higher level terrace are thicker than that of lower level one. Comparing the terrace between six studied rivers, meander terraces are significant both in Mawuku River, Fengpin River, Shuilien Riverand Fanshuliao River whereas fan terraces are developed well in Sanhsien River. In contrary, the terrace in Shuimuting River is undeveloped due to down cutting into hard rock which restricts the widening of terrace. By correlating to marine terraces, most of the terraces in this area are formed in Holocene. The detailed correlation of each step or dating still needs more envidences.
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    (地理學系, 1988-03-??) 石再添; 鄭國雄; 許民陽; 楊貴三
    This paper is the first year report of the research project “A Geomorphological Study of Marine Terrace in Taiwan”. The Huatung coast is along the Pacific coast of Eastern Taiwan, adjacent to the convergent boundary of Eurasia Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, marine terrace is typically developed in this region. Based on air photo interpretation, geomorphometry, field excursion and accurate survey of altitude, the results are summarized as follows: 1. Classified and correlated by the continuity of altitude and extend of the marine terrace surfaces, there are three dominate marine terraces in study area. The flights of marine terraces in the southern part are comparatively more widely distributed than in the north, the lowest one and the newly raised wave-cut platform are well developed throughout the study area. 2. Altitude of terraces in the southern part is obviously more higher, expecially in the upper two steps, showing that there are wave-like uplifted and tilted slightly to the north. Yet the lowest steps together its newly raised wave-cut platform have almost the same height throughout the study area, this implies that recent uplift rates are progressing with equal amount, and in the upper steps, the tectonic movement has the property of accumulation. 3. The displacement of terrace surfaces is observed as a short-wave length warping, upwarping has been taken place with the axes in the vicinity of Chanping, Chengkung and Tulan, the distance between the axes is about 25 to 30 km. 4. The third steps are furnished with multi-levelled terraces, at intervals of 2-5 m in elevation, deduces from the mode of seismic uplifts in the neighborhood, those multi-levelled terraces may originated by the co-seismic uplift. 5. The features of marine terraces are also influenced by geological setting, in the area of more?resistant rocks, marine terraces are very narrow and covered with thin marine boulders, coastal landforms such as wave-cut ben
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    (地理學系, 1993-06-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 張政亮; 林雪美; 連偵欽
    Coastal sand dunes are widely distributed along the western coast of Taiwan from Touchien Hsi to Erhjen Hsi. Based on maps work, airphoto interpretation, particle size analysis, field investigation, etc, the study results are summarized as follows: 1. The form and the magnitude of the western coastal sand dunes have close relationship with the source of 13 rivers' sand supply, alongshore current and wave action, power and direction of wind, terrains, rainfall, evaporation and vegetation. 2. The coastal dunes develop well on riversides of Chung Kang His, Holung Hsi, Choshui Hsi and offshore bars along Chianan coast. Two principal types of these dunefield may be distinguished, namely, active dunes and stabilized dunes. The two dunefield types contain a variety of dune features, such as transverse dunes, barchans, longitudinal dunes, and dome dune etc. 3. The grain sizes of beach and dune sand are quite uniform. The Md φ and δ φ on average of the dune sand is smaller than the beach sand. This shows that wave process is stronger than wind process. 4. Comparing the maps published in 1926 and 1984. the change of coastal dunes is clear. Because the dunefield was used as fishery or watermelon and sugarcane planting, most of the sand dunes were leveled off entirely. Some of the residual sand dune still exist at present fixed by windbreak forest. For sand dunes have the function of protecting coasts, they had better be well-planned and well-used so as to main-tain the sustainable utilization of land souces.
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    (地理學系, 1992-03-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 連偵欽
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    (地理學系, 1989-03-??) 沈淑敏
    The purpose of this research is to distinguish the factors which influence the form of water?falls. The defination of a waterfall in the study is of which the height is higher than 5m and will not dry around the year. The form discussed here includes five parts, the face of waterfall (the ratio of width and length), the inclination of fall wall, the existence of plunge pool, the appearance of cap rock, and the relationship between the dip of strata bed and river orientation. The study area includes four waterfall groups in the northern Taiwan, named Pinhsi, Tatun. Wulai and Chiaohsi group. The geological setting are quite different among four groups. There are 40 waterfalls investigated totally, 12 in Pinhsi group, 8 in Tatun group, 11 in Wulai group and 9 in Chiaohsi group, respectively. After classifying each kind of forms and factors of 40 waterfalls, I analyze the relationship between each kind of forms and factors with methods of contingency table and X2 test. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Waterfalls mostly are splender type according to the face form, inclined type to the wall form, horizontal type and reverse type to the bed form. However, there isn't a special type obviously on the form of plunge pool and of cap rock. 2. For waterfall belongs to the small scale landform, the form of it is controlled mainly by the factors of lithology.
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    (地理學系, 1999-11-??) 張瑞津; 鄧國雄; 劉明錡
    頭前溪階地群至今仍殘存之紅壤階地可分為六階,非紅壤階地為三階。紅壤高位階地分布於頭前溪兩岸,以南岸的竹東至新竹間之竹東丘陵區最為發達,紅壤最高面為竹東面,高度280~250公尺,比高約130 ~100公尺,對比為LH。其次為寶山北面、竹東西面、高峰面、仙宮面與關東橋面,前二者之紅壤階面多已侵蝕殆盡,僅餘丘頂殘面,高度為250~230公尺與220~200公尺,階崖均達20公尺,分別對比為LT1與LT2;後三者高度分別為110~100公尺、90~80公尺、70~50公尺,階崖為20公尺、15公尺與10公尺,對比為LT3、LT4與LT5面;北岸之飛鳳山丘陵區最高為飛鳳山,高度462公尺,殘面對此為LH,其次為犁頭山頂部賤留三塊向西緩降的高位紅壤階地,高度由230~150公尺,對比為LT1。非紅壤低位階地則分布於頭前溪南、北兩岸,可分為三段階地,其中南岸的員山面及麻園肚面較廣,高度為55~40公尺、45~30公尺,階崖為5公尺、3~5公尺,對比為FT2與FT3面,而FT1之員崠子面殘留甚少。北岸之穹林面與竹北面高度分別100~90公尺及80~20公尺,階崖5~10公尺與3~5公尺,對比為FT1與FT3。本區階地受到新期構造如新竹斷層、新城斷層、竹東斷層與寶山背斜、青草湖背斜等的影響,其中以新竹斷層及新城斷層對階地的影響最為明顯,例如新城斷層通過LT3、LT4與LT5,各造成40公尺、35公尺與25公尺之斷層崖,至於低位階地FT2則有數公尺的斷崖;新竹斷層通過LT5與FT2面,各造成10公尺與2公尺的斷崖,且影響LT5階面向南傾動。本研究根據階地分布、地形特徵及地形面對比推測,頭前溪地形演育如下:更新世中期頭前溪形成LH面,因受台灣島新期構造運動的隆升,造成頭前溪向北依次遷移下切,而新期構造運動中,斷層活動則至少持續至FT2。