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影像設計的原意是運用視覺因素來進行說服,如何運用視覺傳達釋放出設計者的目的,是身為設計者所需探究的重要課題。 筆者從事設計多年,常感國人並非普遍肯定視覺設計的重要性,本研究乃機緣參與宜蘭縣 壯圍鄉農會2004年六月所舉辦的『哈密瓜節』活動視覺設計規劃。希望能以個人所用所學,藉由此次研究探討的創作機會,讓個人深入鑽研視覺設計規劃的精神,更期許讓最辛苦的農民了解基礎的視覺行銷概念。 筆者將以實際參與專案執行視覺設計規劃,探討如何以專業的視覺影像設計表現,展現當地的文化特色、休閒旅遊功能及拓展地方知名度。並進而探討以影像視覺傳達的效果,能否促進地方文化產業活動的經濟效益,達到提昇地方生活品質的最終目的。 創作內容以活動相關的視覺影像設計為範疇,包括活動形象標誌、活動旗幟、宣傳海報、DM、產品包裝、活動紀念贈品..等等週邊相關作品的整體規劃。並探討往年舉辦活動相關文宣的視覺效益。 後續研究則以評估活動現場調查相關參與活動者的視覺感受,期許更多專業設計人才能為我國的地方產業投入一己之力,讓政府相關單位肯定地方產業形象視覺規劃發展的重要性。
The purpose of visual designs is to use the visual elements to convince and to convey the ideas of the designer. These are the important subjects that a designer needs to probe into. The writer is an experienced designer and is discouraged by the fact that visual elements are often neglected in our daily lives. In June 2004, I was engaged with the planning and designing tasks of Hami Melon Festival of Jhuangwei, Yilan county. The writer hopes to convey the message of the significance of visual designs to the peasants who are involved with the activities. During the engagements, the writer explores to highlight the local cultural characters and recreational functions, and to promote the image of the township. Furthermore, I explore to see if the visual designs will work to enhance the business values and living quality. The design project includes the CIS, activity flag, poster , DM , product packaging, souvenirs, etc. We also research on the design materials of the previous festivals. The final part of the research focuses on an survey on the participants. We hope that there will be more talents to participate in the design industry for the local industry. In line with this, we hope that the related government departments will recognize the importance of the visual image in promoting the local industry.



地方產業, 視覺傳達, 活動形象規劃, 影像設計, Local Industry, Visual Communication, Event Image Planning, Image Design





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