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有鑒於國內外公營事業民營化之情形日益增多,如何化解此一政策推展過程中可能遭遇之阻力、取得員工的支持與配合,實有必要瞭解其對員工生涯可能產生之衝擊影響、員工面臨民營化可能之生涯發展規劃情形及需要組織、工會等單位提供何種協助等。 本研究乃試圖以面臨民營化之台鐵員工為對象,透過自編問卷方式,針對運、工、機、電等不同部門員工進行抽樣調查後,藉由SPSS統計軟體以敘述統計、t檢定、ANOVA分析(如有差異存在則以薛費法作事後檢定)等統計方法作資料分析,以了解其對民營化政策及台鐵民營化方式之瞭解與贊同程度、相關訊息來源、對目前工作環境之滿意情形及民營化後可能改變的預期、面臨民營化可能的生涯規劃情形(提前申請退休、接受資遣或離職、繼續留任等)及希望組織及工會等提供之協助等進行瞭解,並分析不同年資、年齡、性別、工作區域、部門、撫養親屬數、月收入、學歷、資位等之員工間是否有差異存在。進而對台鐵當局、工會及勞委會等主管機關提陳建言。 本研究所得結論可摘述如下: 一、 台鐵員工仍普遍對國內外民營化政策及實施經驗、台鐵民營化整體政策、民營化中的人事制度及法規、人員安置輔導措施、工會所提供之輔導協助均不瞭解亦不表贊同。而其主要的五項訊息來源依序為同事與朋友、「路工」等工會文宣資料、工會、報章雜誌及「台鐵通訊」等機關內宣導資料。 二、 台鐵員工對於工作現況普遍有較高的滿意度。而對於民營化後各項工作條件的預期方面,則顯著認為會變差。 三、 台鐵員工在面臨種種影響個人未來職業生涯及經濟收入來源等之不確定情況下,會因個人特性的不同,而分別在組織民營化時,對個人出路,作出提早退休、轉業或留任等選擇方式等不同的生涯發展規劃選擇。但大部分員工仍願意繼續留在台鐵工作。 四、 台鐵員工會因個人特性的不同,作出不同的生涯規劃選擇,進而對組織及工會所能配合提供的有關轉業訓練、轉業輔導、失業救助、退休條件、員工優惠認股制度、職務調整所需之第二專長訓練等制度、措施與協助有不同之需求程度。 本研究並進而提陳組織及工會應加強對員工之宣導溝通,以減少疑慮並根據個別需求提供適當協助、員工應多方設法瞭解民營化之相關政策與措施,作出對個人權益最佳之規劃方案等建議。
The purpose of this study is to know the career developing demand of the workers in the Bureau of Taiwan Railway Administration(T.R.A.)when this traditional public enterprise will be civilized and then give some suggestions to them by the research method of surveying. We hope to realize and answer that following questions: 1. whether the workers understand and agree the relative issues of the civilization of T.R.A? 2. The satisfaction degree of working environments now and the expectation for the future. 3. What kind of individual career programming will be performed when they face the fact of the civilization? 4. What kind of career developing assistant policy and methods of organization and labor union are needed by staff? 5. Are there any significant difference answers for the first to the fourth question between persons of different sex, monthly income, age and educational degree etc.? The questionnaires were sent to individuals in the different divisions in T.R.A. by the ratio of person number of every department. Using the program package of SPSS as data processing and analysis tool and by the statistical method of describe statistics, T test and ANOVA method(advanced post hoc different test was performed by Scheffe method), we have got the conclusions which can be summarized as following: 1. Most of the workers in T.R.A. still don’t understand and disagree its civilization relative policies now. And their major five sources of information about this issue are friends and colleagues, the published magazine of their labor union, labor union, newspapers and the data from the organization. 2. Main parts of staff feel satisfy for the working environments and conditions now and think it will get worse if the organization have been civilized. 3. People with different property will make different decisions in this situation such as turnoff, applying for retire in advance or continuing original job. But the major tendency of the workers for their own career planning seems to wish still staying in T.R.A. again. 4. People with different property hope their organization and labor union can supply not the same assistances such as the training and introduction of other jobs for whom planning to turnover, the secondary specialized ability training for persons might have to change position with the organization reengineering etc.. And then this study makes some suggestions to T.R.A., workers, labor union, the relative organizations and the feasible researches for the future etc..



民營化, 公營事業, 生涯, 員工, 組織變革, civilization, public enterprise, career, employee, organization reengineering

