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2015年7月,北京、張家口聯合申辦2022年冬季奧林匹克運動會成功後,在中國引起一片轟動。北京在2022年將成為世界上第一個既舉辦過夏季奧林匹克運動會又舉 辦了冬季奧林匹克運動會的城市。但相較於夏季項目,中國在冬季項目上的成績並不突出,縱觀歷屆冬季奧林匹克運動會,中國在世界總排名始終在十名左右且靠後,在獲得13枚金牌中,12枚為冰上運動獲得。在備戰2022年冬奧會僅兩年的時間內,中國亟需 透過冰上優勢項目找出其致勝規律,用以提升中國在2022年冬季奧運會的競技成績及排名。鑑此,本研究目的為探討在2022年北京冬奧會背景下中國大陸競技冰上運動的發展策略,以De Bosscher等 (2006) 所提出的9個競技運動成功關鍵因子作為依據,採半結構式訪談和觀察法,並結合內容分析法,透過中國知網、Airiti Library 華藝在線圖書館及中國國家體育總局、冬季運動管理中心、各冰上協會等政府組織的官方網站和中國新聞網等官方媒體,搜索其相關文獻和資料,以及訪談6位中國大陸競技冰上運動相關的政府官員、協會主管、教練及選手等重要關係人。研究結果發現:目前中國大陸競技冰上運動發展已經涉及了九個競技運動成功關鍵因子的各方面,分別有:經費支援由 政府投入為主,社會各界為輔;各冰上協會正在「管辦分離」過程中;冰上運動群眾基 礎及參與率不高;後備人才選拔系統除繼續沿用三級訓練網模式,還使用新的跨界跨項選材模式;運動員及教練員的保障還有待完善;運動科技研究處於起步階段。本研究建議在備戰2022年北京冬奧會的時間壓力下,政府或可在現今經費投入上提高比例,大力鼓勵社會各界積極舉辦並參與冰上運動相關活動,以此增加冰上運動的群眾基礎及參與率,對於運動員和教練員的保障需更加完善,重視運動員生涯及退役後的發展規劃輔導,重視並鼓勵各界人才進行冰上運動高科技器材的研發及專業保障人員的培養。
In July 2015, Beijing and Zhangjiakou won to host the 2022 winter Olympic Games, which caused uproar in China. In 2022, Beijing will become the first city in the world to host both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. However, compared with the summer sports, chinese achievements in winter sports are not outstanding. Throughout the past Winter Olympics, China has always been ranked around the 10th in the world. The total 13 gold metals, 12 are for ice sports. With around two years to prepare for the 2022 Winter Olympics, China desperately needs to find out its winning rules through the advantages in ice sports to improve its performance and ranking at the 2022 winter Olympics. As a result, the purpose of this study is to explore the development strategy of competitive ice-sports in China under the background of Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, based on De Bosscher (2006) proposed the nine key factors of the success in elite sport, using the semi-structured interviews and observation, and combine with content analysis, through China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Airiti Library and the news on the official webite of General Administration of Sport of China, Winter Sport Administration Center of State General Aministration of Sport, all Ice Associations, and the official website of China news net, search the related literature and data, and interview with 6 people of government officials, association leaders, coaches and players related to competitive ice sports in mainland China. The results show that the development of competitive ice sports in mainland China has involved nine key factors of the success in elite sports. Financial support is mainly provided by the government, supplemented by communities; Each ice association is in the process of " separation between government administrarion and business operation"; The people of mass foundation and participation for sports development doing ice sports are not high; In addition to continuing to use the three-level training network model, the reserve talent identification and development system also uses the new 「cross-boundary and cross-item」selection model; The guarantee of athletes and coaches is need to be improved; Sports technology research is in its infancy. This study suggests that under the time pressure of preparing for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, maybe the government can improve more on financial support, strongly encourages all the social hold on and participate in the ice sports activities actively, to increase the mass foundation and participation rate of people doing ice sports, for the guarantee of athletes and coaches need to be more improved, pay more attention on the development of athletic career and retirement planning, and also pay more attention on encouraging people to do high-tech equipment research and to guarantee development of the professional people.



競技運動成功關鍵因子, 競技冰上運動, 發展策略, 2022年北京冬奧會, key factors of the success in elite sports, ice sports, development strategy, Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022

