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Department of Adult and Continuing Education, NTNU


陶尼的宗教信仰、社會主義以及成人教育思想可說是互為主客體地相互影響著。 基督教信仰為陶尼的社會主義思想和成人教育的理念與實踐提供了一個平等與人道的價值 基礎,而社會主義思想則是在陶尼參與成人教育工作時逐漸形成。從另一個角度來看,成 人教育也提供了陶尼一個實踐社會主義思想以及基督教信仰的場域,進而刺激自己不斷地 重新詮釋自身對信仰的了解,以健全他的社會主義理念。陶尼認為,社會中不平等主要起 因於人類社會生活中機會的不平等,特別是在經濟生活和教育體系兩方面。故他極力主張 國家必須擔負起分配社會資源的角色,透過平等教育機會的提供來保障每個人自我潛能發 展的權利,藉此促進社會整體的和諧繁榮。從陶尼的基督教信仰、社會主義和成人教育思 想來反思當代的社會,如何透過教育權利的保障來提供平等的學習機會,藉以提升人民的 知識與文化素養,並透過共同文化的塑造來消除社會的階級分化,達到社會進步繁榮和公 平正義雙重目標,應該是邁入終身學習社會,高喊學習權利保障時所不可逃避的重要課題 與任務。
Tawney's religious belief has influenced his thought of socialism and adult education intersubjectively. Belief in Protestant enriches and deepens his vision and insight of equality and humanism, forming the critical base for practicing his ideals of socialism and adult education. Meanwhile, his socialism thought mature as he endeavors in adult education. Adult education provides him with an ideal field to pracitice his socialism thought and Protestant belief, which enhances his continuous reinterpretation of religion and deepens his understanding of socialism. Tawney thinks social inequality arouses from unequal opportunities various people hold, which is particularly dominated by the economic and educational systems. In order to ensure everyone self-development, and the harmony and prosperity of the society, he thinks that the government should take charge in distributing social resources in an equal base, especially equal educational opportunities. Reflecting upon the contemporary society from Tawney's thought, what we obtain a clear picture of the coming of a learning society is through ensuring the educational right and learning opportunities of every citizen. It is expected that classes reintegration, and social improvement and social justice could be achieved in the learning society envisioned by Tawney.


