臺灣八年級學生的公民參與意向及其相關因素:ICCS 2009資料庫的應用

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本研究目的在瞭解臺灣八年級學生的公民參與意向及其影響因素。研究者以IEA於2009年所進行的ICCS資料庫資源,探討前因變項-學生特質、家庭背景、學校特質與資源,以及歷程變項-學生社會化和學習、家庭環境、學校教學管理和廣泛社區等因素與臺灣八年級學生公民參與意向的關係。採用的資料分析方法包括:描述統計、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關,以及階層多元迴歸。茲說明研究結果如下: 一、多數的臺灣八年級學生未來願意從事選舉投票活動,但對於參與非法抗議活動、其他政治參與活動及非正式政治參與的意向偏低。 二、前因變項中的「學生特質」,以及「移民背景」以外的所有「家庭環境」因素在臺灣八年級學生各類公民參與意向皆有顯著差異。「學校特質與資源」的「學校類型」在參與合法抗議活動意向、參與選舉投票活動意向、非正式政治參與意向,有顯著差異;「學校都市化程度」在參與選舉投票活動意向、參與其他政治活動意向,有顯著差異;「學校擁有資源情形」在參與選舉投票活動意向,有顯著差異。 三、歷程變項中的「學生社會化和學習」以及「家庭環境」中的各項因素,皆與臺灣八年級學生各類公民參與意向有顯著相關。除「教師個人參與校外活動情形」及「學生的社區公民參與機會」外,「學校教學管理」及「廣泛社區」中的各項因素,都與八年級學生各類公民參與意向有顯著相關。 四、控制前因變項的差異後,歷程變項對臺灣八年級學生各類公民參與意向仍具有顯著預測力。
The purposes of this study were to understand the anticipated civic engagement and its related factors among Taiwanese 8th graders. The target data base was the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) which contains questionnairs data completed by a stratified random sample of 5,167 Taiwanese 8th graders and their teachers and principals. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 19.0 for Windows. The major findings are listed as followings: I. Most Taiwanese 8th graders are willing to participate in electoral activities. However, only few of them are willing to engage in llegal protests, political activities, and informal political participation. II. Except for “immigrant background”, the rest of the student characteristics and home background factors show significant difference in Taiwanese 8th graders' anticipated civic engagement. With regard to school characteristics, “school type” shows significant difference in 8th graders' intentions of participation in legal protests, electoral activities and political activities. In addition, “school location” also shows significant difference in 8th graders' intentions of participation in electoral activities and political activities. In terms of resources factors, only “resources of school” shows significant difference in 8th graders' intentions of participation in electoral activities. III. Except for “teachers' personal participation in activities outside school” and “principals' perceptions of student opportunities to participate in community”, the rest of the process variables are all significantly correlated with Taiwanese 8th graders' anticipated civic engagement. IV. After controlling the antecedent variables, the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analyses show that the process variables are all significant in predicting Taiwanese 8th graders' anticipated civic engagement.



國際公民教育與素養調查研究(ICCS), 八年級學生, 公民參與意向, International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), 8th grade students, anticipated civic engagement, intention of civic engagement

