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Center for Educational Research and Evaluation


本研究探討大學生對課堂不禮貌行為的知覺與認同,及其與品德概念的關係。在大學生課堂不禮貌行為方面,分為激進型與消極型兩種類型;在品德概念方面,則以尊重、負責、及自律等三個核心價值為主要內涵。研究對象為臺灣之大學生,以六所大學,730 名大學生進行調查。研究結果如下:1.大學生知覺消極型課堂不禮貌行為多於激進型課堂不禮貌行為,大學生對課堂不禮貌行為傾向不認同,其中對於激進型行為的不認同更勝於消極型。2.南部大學生較北、中部大學生知覺較多課堂不禮貌行為,其認同度也較低;公立學校大學生對課堂不禮貌行為的認同度低於私立學校大學生;大三學生較大一學生知覺較多課堂不禮貌行為;男、女大學生對課堂不禮貌行為的知覺及認同皆沒有顯著差異。3. 大學生在尊重、負責及自律三個分層面的單題,得分皆高於平均值。南部大學生品德概念得分高於中、北部大學生;公立學校大學生品德概念得分高於私立學校大學生;男、女不同性別之大學生其品德概念得分無顯著差異。4. 大學生對課堂不禮貌行為知覺與其品德概念有顯著正相關,而認同程度則與品德概念呈現負相關。大學生品德整體可以正向預測其對課堂不禮貌行為的知覺;大學生的尊重概念則負向的預測課堂不禮貌行為的認同。
This study explored the perceptions of undergraduate students regarding the frequency and their approval of classroom incivilities, and examined the relation between classroom incivilities (Le., passive and active incivilities) and character concepts (Le., respect, responsibility, and self-discipline). The participants comprised 730 undergraduate students from 6 universities in Taiwan. The findings are as follows: (a) The students perceived more passive classroom incivilities compared with active classroom incivilities; they disapproved of all incivilities, but particularly disapproved of active incivilities. (b) The students in Southern Taiwan perceived more uncivil behaviors in class and disapproved of these behaviors more compared with the students in Central and Northern Taiwan, public school students disapproved incivilities more than private school students. Third year students perceived more uncivil behaviors than first year students. No difference occurred in the perceived frequency and approval of classroom incivilities between male and female students. (c) All students attained above average scores regarding the character concepts of respect, responsibility, and self-discipline. Students in Southern Taiwan attained higher scores than students in the Central and Northern Taiwan, public school students higher than private school students, and male and female students exhibited no differences. (d) Student perceptions of classroom incivilities and their frequencies were significantly and positively correlated with student character concepts, but the degree of student approval of classroom incivilities was significantly and negatively coorrelated with these character concepts; thus, student character concepts can predict perceptions of classroom incivilities and the way students conceive respect can negatively predict their approval of classroom incivilities.


