
dc.contributorLiu, Mei-Huien_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Ling-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討「專題式戶外學習應用於高中多元選修課程」對高中生核心素養能力的提升,發展出深化社會領域及資訊領域的校本選修課程,以及教師在課程實施歷程中的教學專業成長與省思。研究過程中以戶外教學、實察、實作等方式進行教學,並進行多元評量、實作評量、自評及互評等方式,分析學生的學習成效。本研究歸納如下結論: 一、應用專題式學習於高中多元選修課程,可統整學生的知識、技能與態度:強調以學生為中心,藉由跨科統整專題式學習,協助學生獲得更加完整、更有效的學習。此課程著重於人地互動、地理技能實踐、關懷鄉土等目標,是因應現代社會知識之生成與傳播形勢之需要,讓專題式學習可應用於高中多元選修課程。 二、 專題製作可培養學生多元的能力:學生對於專題製作的流程及撰寫報告的方式,慢慢的熟悉,必能提升對專題製作的能力。在學習新知能力的同時,對環境的適應力、處理資訊和運用資訊的能力以及學會溝通技巧和處理人際關係,更重要的是具備專長和執行工作的多元能力。 三、戶外教學提升學生對專題式學習的興趣及文化認同感:利用戶外教學時的真實體驗,以豐富學習內涵,透過感官與經驗,提升學生對專題式學習的興趣及認同感。戶外專題式學習改變傳統的教學模式,啟動學生思考解決問題的方法,從認識鄉土的過程中,認同鄉土並願意探究鄉土。 四、行動研究促進教師課程發展的能力:教師對於課程設計不斷的反思與修正,提升了教學專業的能力。在教學過程中,發現如何保持學生學習的動力與興趣、加強認知部分的課程設計及各種多元評量的方式,都必須從「做中學」、「行中思」的方式貫徹行動研究,這樣才能精進教學專業能力。 最後,依據研究的結論對教師及未來研究給予建議的方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at investigating how applying project-based learning to multiple elective courses in senior high schools may help improve the core competencies of senior high school students, develop school-based elective courses in the social and information fields, and enhance the teacher’s professional growth and reflection in the curriculum implementation process. During the research, teaching was conducted in the form of field trips, field observations, and hands-on activities and analyze students' learning outcomes through multiple assessment. This study summarizes the following conclusions : 1.Applying project-based learning to multiple elective courses in senior high schools can integrate students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes: It is student-centered, which assists students to accomplish more complete and effective learning through cross-disciplinary, project-based learning. Moreover, teachers maintain good interaction with the community to improve the relevance of the curriculum and learn the integrity of culture. This type of learning focuses on the interaction of people and land, the practice of geography skills, and caring for the local community. It is in line with the generation of knowledge in modern society and meets the need of communication trends, so project-based learning is applicable in senior high school multiple elective courses. 2.Project-based production can cultivate students' different abilities: students will gradually get experience through the process of project-based production and the way of writing reports, and will be able to enhance their ability to produce themes. While learning new knowledge, students can get adaptability to the environment, the ability to process information and apply information, and learn communication skills and interpersonal relationships, and more importantly develop expertise and ability to perform work. 3.Learning from field trips increases students' interest in and acceptance of project-based learning: By taking advantage of the real experience of outdoor learning, students' interest in and acceptance of project-based learning can be enhanced with rich learning content and through perception and experience. Having the traditional teaching method changed with project-based learning, field trips provoke students to think about ways to solve problems. From the gradual process getting to know the locals, they will identify the locals and further explore the locals. 4.Action research can promote teachers’ curriculum development ability: The teacher’s continuous reflection on and revision of curriculum design enhance the professional competence of teaching. In the process of teaching, it is found out that the action research on how to maintain students' motivation and interest in learning and on how to improve the curriculum design of the cognitive part and a wide variety of multiple assessments needs to be carried out through "learning by doing" and " thinking while doing," so that the professional competence of teaching will be sharpened. Finally, suggestions are provided to teachers and future research based on the conclusion of the study.en_US
dc.subjectproject-based learningen_US
dc.subjecthands-on assessmenten_US
dc.subjectoutdoor pedagogyen_US
dc.titleThe Action Research on the Application of Project-Based Learning to Multiple Elective Courses in Senior High Schoolsen_US


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