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本研究旨在探討國中資源班新住民學生的自我概念。採用質性研究法,以一位國中階段接受資源班服務的新住民學生為研究對象,以半結構大綱與新住民學生及其重要他人(父母、老師、同儕)進行深度訪談,輔以觀察記錄、文件檔案和研究日誌,經由資料的整理與分析,歸納以下結論: 本研究個案的身體自我評價高,很有信心,親子互動良好。家族的接納及對母族文化的認同有助於提升自我概念,學業自我概念受學障特質影響,表現與同儕無差異。社會自我概念會隨著與同儕的互動模式增強或減弱,但宗教信仰能夠幫助自我概念的回穩。惟家庭社經地位對國中資源班新住民學生自我概念各階層的影響較為負面。 基於研究結果,對於新住民學生、其父母、教師及未來研究提出若干建言,期許具有特殊需求的新住民學生,得以獲得更多關注。
The main purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the self-concept for a student of new immigrants in junior resource room. By means of semi-structure, a student of new immigrants with special education service in junior high school and important others (including her parents, teachers and peers)were invited to in-depth interview. Texts were also collected from observation record and documents. Through data analysis of the collected texts, the findings were in the following paragraphs. The student in the case study shows the characters of a fine physical-self identification, the positive self-confidence, and the harmonious parent-child interation. The acception of family members and the foreign cultural identity from her mother both contribute to shape the child’s self-concept. Comparing the academic performance of the child and her schoolmates raised by Taiwanese parents, there were minor differences, caused by the reason of disabilities qualities. Social self-concept of the child was strengthened or weakened based on the interaction with peers. In another way, religious beliefs could help to stable the self-concept. Social-economic status of the family shows the negative influence on the child’s other aspects of self-concept. This study finds that analyzing the students of new immigrants' self-concept could assist educators and professionals to locate the special needs of the students. Based on the findings, this study was ended with some recommendations for students of new immigrants, their parents, school teachers, and further researchers.



新住民學生, 自我概念, 資源班, a student of new immigrants, self-concept, resource room

