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本研究旨在探討電子白板融入解題策略教學對學習障礙學生代數應用問題之解題成效,以及策略使用的前後差異情形。研究方法採單一受試研究法之跨受試多基線設計,對三位國中學習障礙學生進行實驗教學與評量。本研究的解題策略修改自Montague(1992)的認知與後設認知策略,包括「閱讀題目、說出重點、畫圖假設、列方程式、移項計算、檢查寫答案」等六個認知步驟,以及「我教我做、自問自答」兩個後設認知子步驟。所得資料透過視覺分析法探討一元一次方程式應用問題測之得分情形,並透過觀察與訪談分析策略使用的差異情形。 本研究結果如下: 一、學習障礙學生在接受電子白板融入解題策略教學後,其在代數應用問題「整體」得分具有立即與保留效果。 二、學習障礙學生在接受電子白板融入解題策略教學後,其在代數應用問題「合併型」、「比較型」、及「綜合型」各題型得分具有立即效果,保留成效則有個別差異。 三、學習障礙學生在接受電子白板融入解題策略教學後,其在代數應用問題的「假設未知數」、「列方程式」、「計算」、及「寫答案」各部分得分具有立即與保留效果。 四、學習障礙學生在接受電子白板融入解題策略教學後,提升其學習動機與參與度,亦提高其解題策略使用之出現率與正確率。 綜合以上研究結果顯示電子白板融入解題策略教學能增進學習障礙學生在一元一次方程式應用問題的解題成效,改善其解題策略之使用情形,亦提升其學習解題的動機與課程參與度。
The purpose of this study was to probe the effects of problem-solvinng strategy instruction integrating interative whiteboard on algebraic word problems by students with learning disabilities and the differences found in its process. The multiple-probe design across subjects of single-subject experiment was employed. The participants were three ninth-grade students with learning disabilities. The strategy was adapted from Montague’s Cognitive-Metacognitive Strategies for Mathematical Problem Solving (1992), and it included six steps: reading, paraphrasing, diagraming, displaying equation, calculating, and checking. The method of visual analysis was used to discuss the participants’ performances on one-variable linear equation word problems, and analysis the differences of strategy-use by observation and interview. The results of this study were as the following: 1.After instruction, the students with learning disabilities increased their overall scores on algebraic word problems, and showed immediate and maintainable effects. 2.After instruction, the test scores of the three participants showed immediate effects on three types of algebraic word problems, but maintainable effects had individual differences. 3.After instruction, the test scoresof the three participants showed immediate and maintainable effects on four parts of algebraic word problems. 4.After instruction, the motivation and the participation of the participants increased. Furthermore, the occurrence and the accuracy of the strategy-use improved.



代數應用問題, 電子白板, 解題成效, 解題策略, 學習障礙, algebraic word problems, interative whiteboard, the effects of problem-solvinng, problem-solvinng strategy, learning disabilities

