
dc.contributorLiu, Ruo-Lanen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Yu-Hengen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討大學生參與海外服務經驗與全球視野之關係,研究問題包括:(一)大學生參與海外服務經驗與全球視野之現況為何?(二)大學生參與海外服務或國內服務對全球視野有無差異?(三)大學生個人與學校因素、海外服務方式、海外服務經驗與全球視野之關係為何?(四)大學生參與海外服務經驗對於全球視野之影響內涵與歷程為何? 研究方法以量化為主,質性為輔。量化研究對象為2015年參與海外服務之大學生計157名與參與國內服務之大學生計211名。運用問卷調查法,參考海外服務及全球視野相關概念與理論,編製海外服務經驗量表及全球視野量表。海外服務經驗量表包含協同合作、服務準備、團隊支持、文化交流、反思覺察、回饋評量、自我承諾等7個面向;全球視野量表包含自我瞭解、價值思辨、同理尊重、人際互動、社會責任、全球思維等6個面向。為進一步探究大學生參與海外服務經驗與全球視野的影響內涵與歷程,本研究以問卷調查中同意接受訪談者,進行半結構訪談,共訪談6名學生,其中女性4名,男性2名。 量化研究結果: 一、本研究大學生參與海外服務經驗及全球視野之現況 (一)參與海外服務經驗中,本研究大學生「團隊支持」與「文化交流」平均分數較高,「服務準備」與「協同合作」平均分數較低。 (二)全球視野中,本研究參與海外服務之大學生以「人際互動」平均分數最高,「全球思維」平均分數最低。 二、大學生參與海外服務與國內服務全球視野之比較 (一)參與服務前,本研究參與海外服務之大學生,除了「自我瞭解」面向顯著高於參與國內服務之大學生,其餘面向二組均無顯著差異。 (二)參與服務後,本研究參與海外服務之大學生,在「價值思辨」、「人際互動」、「社會責任」等面向顯著高於參與國內服務之大學生,其餘面向二組沒有顯著差異。 (三)大學生參與海外服務「全球視野」之前後測比較,各面向後測均顯著高於前測。 (四)大學生參與國內服務「全球視野」之前後測比較,「自我瞭解」、「價值思辨」、「同理尊重」、「全球思維」等面向後測亦顯著高於前測;其餘面向無顯著差異。 三、大學生個人與學校因素、海外服務方式與海外服務經驗之多元迴歸分析結果 (一)海外服務經驗「協同合作」的分析結果中,就讀「高教體系」以及前往「華文地區」服務具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為22.9 %。 (二)海外服務經驗「服務準備」的分析結果中,就讀「高教體系」以及前往「華文地區」服務具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為24.5 %。 (三)海外服務經驗「文化交流」的分析結果中,「有社團幹部經驗」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為12.9 %。 (四)海外服務經驗「反思覺察」的分析結果中,就讀「高教體系」以及具有「社團幹部經驗」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為19.0 %。 (五)海外服務經驗「回饋評量」的分析結果中,「有社團幹部經驗」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為11.8 %。 四、大學生個人與學校因素、海外服務方式、海外服務經驗與全球視野之階層迴歸分析結果 (一)全球視野「自我瞭解」的分析結果中,「自我承諾」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為51.6 %。 (二)全球視野「價值思辨」的分析結果中,「自我承諾」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為58.1%。 (三)全球視野「同理尊重」的分析結果中,「協同合作」、「自我承諾」及「多元服務」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為48.5%。 (四)全球視野「人際互動」面向,「自我承諾」及「女性」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為48.7%。 (五)全球視野「社會責任」面向,「團隊支持」、「自我承諾」及「女性」具顯著影響效果,整體解釋力為44.9%。 五、質性訪談結果 本研究質性訪談結果分析,歸納兩項主題內容如下: (一) 海外服務經驗的內涵與影響因素:本項主題內容包括本研究之海外服務有實施準備、服務、反思、慶賀的內涵;反思是學生獲得具體學習的過程;團隊氣氛融洽與相互支持,有助於多元學習與友誼建立;社團幹部經驗有助於發展文化交流;地域設備限制以及語言文化差異,影響協同合作的效果。 (二) 海外服務經驗對全球視野的影響:本項主題內容包括從多元互動與反思, 發現真實自我;開啟多方對話,思辨多元觀點;建立多元關係,培養同理尊重的態度;突破文化及語言藩籬,展開異文化的互動;情感連結與成就感,是持續參與社會公益的動力;親身體認異國文化,破除刻板印象。 本研究依據研究結果,對於政府部門、大專校院與未來研究提出提升海外服務品質與擴展相關研究建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aims at investigate the relationship among participating overseas service experiences and global perspective of college students. The research questions include: 1. What is the current situation of the participating overseas service experiences and global perspective of college students? 2. Are there significant differences of global perspective between overseas/domestic service groups of college students? 3. What are the relationship among the factors of personal and campus, the mode of overseas service, the experience of overseas service and global perspective of college students? 4. What and how is the influential process of overseas service experiences on college students’ change of global perspectives? The samples of this study include 157 college students who participated overseas service and 211 college students who participated domestic service in 2015. By using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the research data was collected. All study participants completed a self-developed questionnaire for overseas service experiences and global perspective which were based on the related concepts and theories. The overseas service experience inventory has 7 scales, includes collaboration, preparation, team support, cultural communication, reflective awareness, feedback assessment, and self-commitment. And the global perspective inventory has 6 scales, includes self-knowledge, value speculation, empathetic respect, interpersonal relationship, social responsibility, and global thinking. After analying the quantitative data, qualitative interviews were conducted with 6 students, 4 females and 2 males, to explore the influential process of overseas service experience on their changes of global perspectives. The findings of this research are: 1. the current situation of participating overseas service experience and global perspective of college students: (1) In the overseas service experience scales, the average scores of team support and cultural communication are the highest, and the average scores of preparation and collaboration are the lowest. (2) As to the global perspective of college students of this study, the average score of interpersonal relationship is the highest, and global thinking is the lowest. 2. Comparing the differences of global perspective of students between overseas service group and domestic service group: (1) Before service, self-knowledge of students who participating overseas service is significant higher than that of participating domestic service. There is no significant difference in the others scales of global perspective between the 2 groups. (2) After service, value speculation, interpersonal relationship, social responsibility of students who participating overseas service are significant higher than that of participating domestic service. (3) All the differences between pretest and posttest of the global perspective of overseas service group are significant. (4) The differences between pretest and posttest of self-knowledge, value speculation, empathetic respect, global thinking of domestic service group are significant. 3. The Multiple regression analysis results of the factors of personal and school, the mode of overseas service, and the experience of overseas service are: (1) Collaboration can be predicted effectively by campus factor (studying in general university) and service area (in Chinese-speaking region), and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 22.9%. (2) Preparation can be predicted effectively by campus factor (studying in general university) and service area (in Chinese-speaking region), and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 24.5%. (3) Cultural communication can be predicted effectively by the experience of being a student club cadre, and the coefficient of determination whole model is 12.9%. (4) Reflective awareness can be predicted effectively by campus factor (studying in general university) and the experience of being a student club cadre, and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 19.0%. (5) Feedback assessment can be predicted effectively by the experience of being a student club cadre, and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 11.8%. 4. The hierarchical regression analysis results of the factors of personal and campus, the mode of overseas service, the experience of overseas service and global perspective are: (1) Self-knowledge can be predicted effectively by self-commitment, and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 51.6%. (2) Value speculation can be predicted effectively by self-commitment and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 58.1%. (3) Empathetic respect can be predicted effectively by collaboration, self-commitment and multi-service, and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 48.5%. (4) Interpersonal relationship can be predicted effectively by self-commitment and gender (female), and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 48.7%. (5) Social responsibility can be predicted effectively by team support, self-commitment and gender (female), and the coefficient of determination of whole model is 44.9%. 5. The qualitative findings are: (1) The theme of connotation and influence of overseas service experience include: the practice process of overseas services in this study included preparation, service, reflection and celebration; reflection is the process for students to gain the learning; the team with harmonious and supported feeling could promote multi-learning and friendship building; the experience of being a student club cadre is helpful to cultural communication; the restrictions of geography and equipment, differences of language and culture affected the collaboration of their services. (2) The theme of the impact of overseas service experiences on global perspective includes: finding real self-awareness through multiple interactions and reflections; thinking with multiple perspectives through conversation with different people; increasing the competence of empathetic respect through connecting relationship diversely; interacting with people of different culture properly through breaking through the obstacles of culture and language differences; having the power to keep service forward and feedback; being inspired by the global thinking. Finally, recommendations for practice and for further research are presented.en_US
dc.subjectcollege studentsen_US
dc.subjectoverseas service experienceen_US
dc.subjectglobal perspectiveen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Relationship among Participating Overseas Service Experiences and Global Perspective of Colloge Studentsen_US


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