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在近乎完全競爭之金融服務市場,因為產品具有高度同質性,因此若要形成競爭優勢,似僅能從對客戶之服務品質著手,故而建立整體品質政策即為相當重要之課題。本研究的目的在於透過客戶心聲篩選及釐清客戶需求,瞭解不同客戶階層對企業提供產品與服務之滿意程度,並因企業資源有限,避免因為客戶訊息判斷錯誤造成決策之偏差,確保決策之傳遞落差能降到最低,減少企業及人力資源浪費,達到全面服務品質提升,及商業決策的可行性及完整性。本研究以Parasuraman, Zeithaml& Berry 三位學者所提出服務品質觀念模式(PZB Model)為基礎,闡述客戶經驗管理理念,並透過「SERVQUAL」量表規劃22個題項,並區分題項為有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性及關懷性等五個構面,探討客戶對於個案銀行所提供之產品與服務體驗感受,後以重要-績效程度分析(IPA)區隔客戶預期與實際體驗服務滿意之落差,做為運用內部資源之變因,並透過品質機能展開(QFD)做為規劃行動方案之執行依據。 隨著客戶對金融服務業之服務品質要求日益提高,惟有透過長久且分層之持續研究,以客戶聲音出發改善服務品質,進而贏得客戶忠誠度,方可提升服務品質取得市占率提高產品差異化。然而單有傾聽客戶聲音而無實際改善行動,則失其傾聽客戶聲音原意,企業應規劃長期的執行策略,依規劃、執行、查檢、回饋(PDCA)之模式,將階段性的成果做回饋或修正服務品質及行動方案,確保所規劃之行動方案成效,達到全面服務品質提升策略之可行性及完整性。
In the nearly fully competitive financial market, as products are highly homogeneous, businesses can only create competitive strengths with the quality of customer service, and establishing an overall quality policy will be a rather important issue. This study aims to screen and clarify customer demands through the customer’s voice to explore product satisfaction and services of enterprises of different customer groups; and to minimize the gap of decision transmission, reduce the waste of corporate and human resources by preventing decision deviation as a result of incorrect customer information judgment as a result of limited corporate resource, in order to achieve total service quality improvement and ensure the feasibility and integrity of business decision-making.Based on the PZB service quality model introduced by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, this study explained the concept of customer experience management. This study also developed a questionnaire with 22 items based on the “SERVQUAL” scale in terms of five constructs: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy to investigate the experience and perception of the target bank’s products and services. This study conducted the importance-performance analysis (IPA) to differentiate the gap between predicted and actual experience of service satisfaction in customers as the variables for internal resources utilization. Next, quality function deployment (QFD) was applied for the reference of action plan establishment.Following the customer’s increasing demand for service quality from the financial industry, only long-term and stratified consistent research can improvement be made according to the customer’s opinions in order to earn customer loyalty and improve service quality for higher market share and product differentiation. However, only listening to customer opinions without taking real action is not the original intention of listening to the customer’s opinions. Enterprises should plan long-term implementation strategies and use the stage results as feedback or revise service quality and action plans accordingly based on the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle to ensure the effectiveness of the action plans and thereby ensure the feasibility and integrity of the strategies for total service quality improvement.



服務品質, 重要-績效程度分析(IPA), 品質機能展開(QFD), PZB, service quality, PZB, importance-performance analysis, quality function deployment (QFD)





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