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隨著時代的變遷與科技的進步,流行音樂的傳播方式已不再是以傳統的載體(黑膠唱盤、光碟)為主,線上影音平台及串流軟體的迅速竄起,已大大的改變了人們收聽音樂的習慣,使音樂唾手可得的串流技術無形中提升的人們聽音樂的時數。除了藝人歌手及網紅素人們積極的推出自己的新作品外,早在三十年前便佔據了娛樂媒體版面的中華職棒大聯盟,各個球隊也都積極的使用這些新興媒體推出影音作品來提升自己的知名度及粉絲的黏著度,各大球團的比拚已經不只是在球場上的較勁,在於比賽之外如何提升球迷對於自己所支持之球隊的黏著度及吸收更龐大的粉絲群眾儼然成為了一片新戰場。本研究以中華職棒統一7-ELEVEn獅隊之球迷為主要研究對象,以量化研究的方式探討統一7-ELEVEn獅隊之球迷對統一7-ELEVEn獅隊推出之歌曲、球隊認同及購買意願之現況,共回收有效問卷196份,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析與研究,並得出以下結論:一、在人口統計變項方面:男性多於女性,目標客群學生占了53.6%。二、不同人口背景變項對三個量表的差異情形為:不同性別對球隊認同有差異;不同年齡對購買意願有差異;不同進場次數對球隊推出歌曲滿意度、球隊認同、購買意願有差異。三、球隊推出歌曲滿意度對球隊認同有正向相關性;球隊認同對購買意願有正向相關性;球隊推出歌曲滿意度對購買意願有正向相關性。 四、球隊認同對球隊推出歌曲滿意度及購買意願部份中介效果成立。
With era changing and advancement of technology, the spread of popular music is no longer based on traditional carriers (phonograph record, CDs). The rapid rise of online streaming platforms and streaming software has greatly changed the habit of people listening to music and imperceptibly increase the number of hours people listen to music with easily accessible streaming technology.Besides artists, singers and internet influencer actively launching their new works, CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League), which occupied the entertainment media page over 30 years, has also actively used these media platforms to launch their own audio-visual works to improve their popularity and the stickiness of their fans. As time evolves, the annual theme song can no longer satisfy the fans, thus the launching of works has become more intensive. The competition between major teams is not only the competition on the court, but also how to increase the adhesion of the fans to the team they support and to absorb more fans has become a new game outside the battlefield.This study took the theme song of the team Uni-Lions as research object, and exploring the status quo of recognition and merchandises’ purchase intention of Uni-Lions’ fans. Total 196 valid questionnaires were collected, and data were analyzed by statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, single-factor variance analysis, and regression analysis.



棒球, 加油歌, 作曲, 填詞, 中華職棒大聯盟, Baseball, Fight Song, Composition, Lyric Writing, CPBL

