在高中數理資優班實施STS 化學教育之研究

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本研究以台北市某公立高中數理資優班的高一學生為對象,在「化學專題研究課程」中, 選擇「水溶液」、「色素」及「界面活性劑」三個主題發展STS (science-technology-society) 教學模組,從模組學習中引導學生深入探討化學的學科內涵,寓學習於真實情境中。藉由合 作學習,讓學生從建構科學概念的理解、精熟基本實驗操作技能及科學過程技能的過程中, 培養從事基礎科學研究的能力。 為了評量此課程設計的教學成效,本研究採用「歷程檔案」作為主要的評量工具,收集 學生在教室內學習的表現,透過這些資料,教師可以看出學生在化學專題研究課程的成長與 改變,並藉此探討在數理實驗班化學課程中實施多元化評量的可行性。 研究結果顯示歷程檔案評量可以從各種角度去瞭解學生學習的情形,掌握學生由多樣化 的學習方式所呈現之多元智能表現。藉由適當的課程及評量設計可引導學生對自己的學習成 果負責,並且讓學生更主動地參與評量的過程。 將STS 理念融入化學專題研究課程,有助於提升高中數理資優班化學專題研究課程的教 學效能,開發完成的STS 模組能提供有關教學人員應用於實際教學上,對於國內基礎科學研 究人才的培育應能發揮實質的效益。
This research on incorporation STS in chemical education is studied. The curriculum design for chemistry thesis in senior high school was based on three STS (Science-Technology-Society) modules -“aqueous solution", “pigments" and “surfactants". Students are chosen from mathematics and science talented students in 10th grade of a senior high school in Taipei. These STS modules lead students to do research on chemistry and incorporate chemistry learning in real life. Based on collaborative work, students developed better understanding of conceptual domain-specific knowledge and master the skills of experimental and scientific process . These learning experiences allow students to build up their abilities on independent research. The portfolio assessment is developed to investigate the performances of students on research in chemistry. Students will understand that it is their responsibility to learn and play a more active role in a well-designed curriculum and assessment. In addition, the curriculum designed for thesis in chemistry is based on STS modules and can be used to assist the promotion on teaching effect for mathematics and science talented students at senior high school.



專題研究, 數理資優, 化學教育, STS, 歷程檔案評量, chemical education, mathematics and science talented students, portfolio, STS, topic research





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