英國教育史家B. Simon與綜合中學改革運動(1946-1990)
dc.contributor.author | 顧曉雲 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | Hsiao-Yuh Ku | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-05-16T07:55:27Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-05-16T07:55:27Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2021-12-?? | |
dc.description.abstract | B. Simon(1915-2002)是英國馬克思主義教育史家,也是第二次世界大戰結束以來綜合中學改革運動的先驅。本文聚焦於Simon在1946?1990年間,為了提倡綜合中學所持續進行的意識型態批判,也藉此揭露Simon在此運動中所做的獨特貢獻。研究發現,Simon於1950、1960年代,立基於馬克思主義的「可教育性」理念以及蘇聯教育心理學的研究成果,批判智力測驗的理論和實踐。Simon也於1970年代批判進步/左派的教育理論(無政府主義/自由主義與「非學校化運動」、新馬克思主義、語言不利理論和文化相對主義),這些理論威脅綜合中學的發展。1970年代中期至1980年代,Simon更致力於批判新右派的教育政策,揭露其背後隱含的意識型態,分析這些政策如何阻撓綜合中學制度的建立。文末,筆者也試著從Simon的綜合中學教育理念出發,省思我國在十二年國民基本教育的推動下,後期中等教育學制面的可能改革方向。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | B. Simon (1915-2002), a Marxist historian in England, was a pioneer in comprehensive education movement after the Second World War. This paper especially focuses on Simon's critique of ideology between 1946 and 1990, through which he could effectively advocate for the comprehensive school. In so doing, the current work can uncover Simon's effort and specific contribution to the movement. As the evidence shows, in the 1950s and 1960s, based on the Marxist ideal of "educability" and Soviet psychology of education, Simon criticized the theory and practice of intelligence testing. In 1970s, Simon also critically remarked on some contemporary theories put forward by progressive/left intellectuals, such as anarchist/libertarian ideas and the deschooling movement, neo-Marxism, as well as the theory of linguistic deprivation and relativist positions. All this threatened the development of comprehensive schools. From the mid-1970s and 1980s, Simon was also involved in criticizing the New Right's educational policies. He revealed the ideology underlying these policies and analyzed how they obstructed the establishment of a comprehensive education system. On the basis of Simon’s ideal of comprehensive education, the author also reflects on the organization of upper secondary education in Taiwan under the scheme of twelve-year basic education. | en_US |
dc.identifier | BA1367E5-3F21-1032-D2FA-E32BB4994B43 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116066 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.publisher | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 | zh_tw |
dc.publisher | Department of Education,National Taiwan Normal University | en_US |
dc.relation | 67(4),79-110 | |
dc.relation.ispartof | 教育研究集刊 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | B. Simon | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 智力測驗 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 意識形態 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 新右派 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 綜合中學 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | B. Simon | en_US |
dc.subject.other | intelligence testing | en_US |
dc.subject.other | ideology | en_US |
dc.subject.other | the New Right | en_US |
dc.subject.other | comprehensive school | en_US |
dc.title | 英國教育史家B. Simon與綜合中學改革運動(1946-1990) | zh-tw |
dc.title.alternative | B. Simon and Comprehensive Education Movement(1946-1990) | zh_tw |