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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究的目的在調查社區居民綠色消費行為現況及其相關影響因素,並 評估社區中有利的媒體宣傳管道及策略,以作為未來進行緣色消費訊息傳播介入 研究時之參考依據。本研究對象為台北市文山區萬和社區 I8歲以上之居民。本 研究以問卷調查法及焦點團體法進行量性及質性資料收集。本研究以系統隨機抽 樣方式,在萬和社區共調查279位社區居民,並訪談了三個社區內現有組織之成 員。 本研究結果發現,社區居民之綠色消費行為以「資源回收」行為的情形最佳,其 次為減量、拒用及重覆使用行為。社區居民的環境價值觀,整體而言已較傾向環 境保護。在緣色消費的障礙因素中,在行銷組合方面,以「缺少綠色產品的使銷 活動」所佔的比例最高,在個人自覺的助力與阻力因素方面,以「從事緣色消費 行為,可以為後代留下美好環境」,為最有力的助力,而以「過簡樸生活節約資 源,會降低生活享受」為最大個人阻力。在緣色消費的參考團體方面,社區居民 綠色消費之重要支持對象前三名依序為子女、配偶及政府的環保單位。「個人自 覺的助力與阻力」、「價值觀」、「年齡」及「參考團體的支持程度」等4個變 項對居民緣色消費行為有顯著的影響力,且其共同的解釋力達16.6。 社區居民認為最有效的訊息傳播宣傳方式為「里長發的適知單」及「社區發的宣 傳單張」。綠色消費訊息代言人以專家或有親和力者為佳;訴求策略應兼具感性 與理性及強調嚴重性:訊息內容應簡單易懂;訊息的結構宜出現正面與負面之訊息 (雙面俱呈);宣傳圖案以「實景照片」為佳;綠色消費宣傳的主題方面,針對家庭 主婦應選擇與日常生活有切身關係的主題,針對老人及意見領袖則應將環保議題 與健康的議題相結合。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the green consumption behaviors, the currentpatterns of the green information diffusion process and the relationships among the variablesin a community-based setting within Taipei City. It also aims to assess the informationprocess and the effective media approach for the reference of further media formation designand intervention programs. Wan-Hao is a small-sized, urban area community which is fitted the research criteriaand therefore was selected for the study. A structure-ended questionnaire was designed tocollect the quantitative data. The sample consists with 279 community members. Also anopen-ended questionnaire was designed as an instrument for data collection of focus groups'in-depth interviews with three different community groups ( mothers, old people, andcommunity leaders ) . Major results are as follows : Recycling behavior is the best performance of the green consumption behavior amongthe community members. The other three parts of green consumption are reduce, refuse, andreuse behaviors in order. General speaking, the value system among community members prefer moreenvironmentally protective value than economic developing value.The main barrier for green consumption behavior is lack of incentive policy for buying green products. The level of perceived barriers and benefits, the level of perceived value, age, and thesupportive level of the referent group could effectively predict the green consumptionbehavior : and the explanation power of all these four variables is 16.6. The effective ways for the community media information process are the formal notesfrom the head of the subdivision district and the DM sent from community center. Theexperts or someone with friendly outlook are the best media representatives, the double-sidesinformation presentation is the better structure of media than just report one-side of the issue.Easy to understand, real photo picture, and the issues related to real life experience



