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隨著年齡的衰老身體功能也會隨之衰退,引發許多疾病的產生,其中肌少症為高齡者常見的症狀之一,肌少症為肌肉量隨著年齡而流失產生的症狀,亞洲肌少症小組(Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia, AWGS)建議有危險因子的人,應針對肌肉量、行走速度與握力進行初步篩檢,並及早預防肌少症的發生。另外身體功能的衰退也涉及到腦部的衰退,影響日常生活中常見的認知與記憶方面的功能,則受到執行功能的控制,其中以工作記憶與抑制控制為關鍵的要素。本研究參考過去研究發現: 運動可以有效延緩身體功能的退化,若有正確的訓練方式可以更有效的達到改善。整合型運動訓練策略透過伸展運動、有氧運動及阻力運動可有效改善高齡者身體功能衰退之情形。本研究將此訓練策略的模式融入自行開發的互動式體感遊戲中,運用體感遊戲的關卡設計帶動參與者在執行功能與肌肉方面的訓練。由於受試者取樣較困難,所以本研究採單一組前後測實驗,參與者為樂齡機構的高齡者共39人,分別進行四週的訓練活動,研究結果顯示:(1)運用體感遊戲輔助訓練課程可提升高齡者大肌肉之握力部分。(2)運用體感遊戲輔助訓練課程可提升高齡者執行功能(工作記憶與抑制控制)。本研究之貢獻為運用體感遊戲輔助訓練,進而提升高齡者的執行功能(工作記憶與抑制控制)與大肌肉訓練(握力與行走速度),以增進高齡者的運動習慣動機。
As the body ages, the body's function will also decline, causing many diseases. Among them, Sarcopenia is one of the common symptoms of the elderly. Malnutrition is a symptom of muscle mass losing with age. AWGS recommends that people with risk factors should have a preliminary screening for muscle mass, walking speed and grip strength, and prevent the onset of sarcopenia as early as possible. In addition, the decline of physical function involves the decline of the brain, affecting the cognitive and memory functions common in daily life, and is controlled by executive function, with working memory and inhibition control as key elements. This study refers to past studies and finds that exercise can effectively delay the deterioration of bodily functions. If the correct training method can achieve more effective improvement, the multi-component exercise training strategy can effectively improve the elderly through stretching, aerobic exercise and resistance exercise. In this study, the training strategy model was integrated into a self-developed gesture-based game, and the gesture-based game was designed to drive participants to perform executive function and muscle training. In this study, a set of pre-tested experiments was performed. Participants were 39 senior citizens of the Qualifications Institute, each of whom had a four-week training event. The results show that:(1)Gesture-based game training courses can improve the muscles of the elderly.(2)Gesture-based game training courses can be used to improve the executive function (working memory and inhibitory control) of the elderly. The contribution of this research is to use gesture-based game training to improve the executive function (working memory and inhibition control) and large muscle training (grip and walking speed) of the elderly, to slow down the body function decline of the elderly by gesture-based game. Have a healthy old age. Moreover, the gesture-based game can improve the motivation of physical executive of the elderly.



互動式體感遊戲, 整合型運動訓練策略, 大肌肉訓練, 執行功能, 運動動機, 高齡者, Gesture-Based Game, Multi-component Training, Gross-Motor Activities Training, Executive Function, Sport Motivation, Elderly

