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本研究的主要目的為透過「社會領域公民科素養導向學習評量」設計與實施之行動研究,了解素養導向學習評量實施前、中、後的歷程,及學生學習歷程的轉變與教師的專業成長及省思。 實施前,以學生起點行為設計素養導向教學活動與學習評量,實施過程中,根據學生學習表現,包含課堂上師生的回應、學習單、小組討論單與素養導向標準本位評量,再做為教師彈性調整課程的內容與教師引導的方向。最後再透過教學後評量、回饋單與訪談,探究學生學習歷程的轉變,更讓研究者清楚理解學生學習時的思考脈絡。 經資料分析與整理後,研究結果針對課程與評量設計面有三大發現:應以「學生起點行為」設計素養導向課程、課程時數會造成教師在素養導向課程設計上的壓力、建立標準化的評量規準助於客觀檢測學習成效。就課程與評量實施面有五大發現:「學會」比「學完」更重要、貼近學生生活的案例更能激發學習與思考、學習表現的觀察不能只著重在外顯行為上、抽象性的提問應放在最後當總結性思考、教師應依據學生特性給予適切的引導與評量調整。 而依據研究結果,研究者也對欲實施素養導向課程的教學者、從事相關研究者及業務相關的行政人員提出相關建議,對於教學者與研究人員,學習與創新是教師使命、多元的學習評量可運用彈性課程加以強化、評量工具應建立一致性;對於行政端,研究者建議學校教務處應主導學校教師發展素養導向課程、政府須帶領會考的學習評量朝向多元化。透過本研究結果的發現與困境的探究,希望提供未來從事以素養導向學習評量之相關人員參考。
The main purpose of this study is to understand the process of pre-, post-, and post-implementation of the literacy-based learning assessment through the design and implementation of action research on the ” Learning Assessment of the Literacy-based Social Area with Civic Education”, as well as the change of the student's learning process and the professional growth of teachers. After analyzing the data, the research results have three major findings for the curriculum and learning assessment design: First, the literacy-based curriculum should be designed with the “student entry behavior”. Second, the course hours causes pressure on teachers’ teaching. And last, establish standardized assessment can help objectively detect learning outcomes. There are five major findings on the implementation: First, “ understanding” is more important than “learning”. Second, the case close to student life can stimulate learning and thinking. Third, the observation of learning performance can not only focus on explicit behavior. Fourth, the abstract question should be placed at the end of the summary thinking. And last, teachers should give appropriate guidance and assessment based on the characteristics of students. According to the result of the research, researcher also provides some advices: First, continuous learning and innovation are the missions of teachers. Second, multiple learning assessments can be enhanced with flexible courses. Third, the assessment tool should establish consistency. And last, the school’s Academic Affairs Office should lead teachers to develop literacy-oriented curriculum. According to the findings and dilemmas, it is hoped to provide reference for those involved in the design of literacy-based learning assessment in the future.



十二年國教, 素養導向, 學習評量, 12-Year Basic Education, literacy-based, learning assessment

