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本項研究計劃的主旨為分析埃利斯塔的蘇維埃眾議院。此棟建築物是由俄羅斯著名建築師Iliya Golosov所設計。蘇維埃眾議院的興建為第一個五年計劃(1928-1932)中的一部分,而蘇維埃眾議院也成為當時為新興城區的埃利斯塔自治區中卡爾梅克一帶的管理和社會文化中心。 此棟建築也是在十月革命後的第一個二十年間由建構主義建築師所發展出的新型建築物之一。建構主義是1923年到1933年在俄羅斯的主流前衛風格。而在此期間,所有的藝術和建築的目的皆是為了社會主義新社會的建設,而蘇維埃眾議院更是研究此段期間的重要議題。 此次研究之目的,首先是要揭示本建築物所呈現出的社會和意識形態,並對其如何表現於建築形式上提出疑問。其次則是為了解對建構主義的建築師而言,建築應如何建構出社會主義的新生活。
The master thesis presents the analysis of the House of Soviets in Elista. The building was designed by the famous Russian architect Iliya Golosov and its construction was a part of the first five-year plan (1928-1932). The House of Soviets should become the administrative and socio-cultural center of the newly built capital of the Autonomous Kalmyk Region, Elista. It also was one of new major types of buildings, which were developed in the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) in the first two decades after the October Revolution of 1917. The type was elaborated by architects of Constructivism, the avant-garde style––or rather method, where form had to derive from function––which was predominant in Russia between 1923 and 1933. As at that time the idea prevailed that all art and architecture was to support the construction of the new socialist society, the House of Soviets should become an important factor in this process. The aim of this research is, first of all, to reveal the social and ideological functions of the building and to ask how they are expressed in its form. Second, it will be analyzed how, according to Constructivist architects, the building should help to organize the new socialist life.



建構主義, 蘇維埃眾議院, 埃利斯塔, liya Golosov, Constructivism, House of Soviets, Elista, Iliya Golosov, Avant-garde Architecture





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