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本研究旨在探討華人父母教養信念(parenting beliefs),經提供家庭學習環境(home learning environment)教養行為中介,對幼兒之情緒能力(emotional competence)能力軌跡發展之影響。研究目的有三,其一為瞭解父母的教養信念、家庭學習環境及幼兒情緒能力的狀況;其二為瞭解父母教養信念、家庭學習環境與幼兒情緒能力的關聯;其三在探究家庭學習環境在父母教養信念與幼兒情緒能力發展的中介效果。研究樣本資料取自中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心學術調查研究資料庫,幼兒發展調查資料庫建置計畫之第一波36月齡,第二波48月齡原始數據(張鑑如,2019),及第三波60月齡原始數據,經向計畫研究團隊申請,審查核准後由計畫研究團隊提供使用。整合 36 月齡兒童第一至三波的家長問卷資料,並選擇填答者為父母、繼父母及養父母,且三波同一填答者之有效樣本共 1,464 人。資料分析以HLM7.3進行階層線性模型分析,瞭解父母的教養信念、家庭學習環境及幼兒情緒能力的狀況;並以Mplus 8.0軟體進行結構方程模式(SEM)分析家庭學習環境在父母教養信念與幼兒情緒能力發展軌跡的中介效果。研究結果顯示,父母的教養信念、家庭學習環境及幼兒情緒能力的狀況,結果:(一)臺灣幼兒的父母深植「嚴管勤教」的教養信念,但不持高「成就期待」;(二)臺灣幼兒的父母重視家庭學習環境之「環境多樣」、「學習刺激」及「學習材料」的提供;(二)父母「管」及「成就期待」的教養信念,隨著幼兒的成長逐漸增強;(四)家庭學習環境及幼兒情緒能力,隨著幼兒的成長逐漸增提升。另外,家庭學習環境在父母教養信念與幼兒情緒能力發展軌跡的中介效果,研究結果:(一)父母「教」之教養信念起始點愈高,幼兒「情緒表達」能力的起始點較佳;(二)父母「成就期待」之教養信念增加愈快,幼兒「情緒理解」的發展速度愈快;(三)家庭學習環境起始點及發展速度,對幼兒情緒能力起始點及發展速度皆有正向影響;(四)家庭學習環境在父母「教」及「成就期待」教養信念與幼兒情緒能力發展軌跡具中介效果。「教」教養信念愈高的父母,愈提供良好家庭學習環境,有利於幼兒情緒能力的發展;「成就期待」教養信念愈低的父母,愈提供良好家庭學習環境,有利於幼兒情緒能力的發展。
This research aimed to explore the effect of parenting beliefs on children’s emotional competence with home learning environment as the mediator among parents. The purposes of this research were as follows: (1) To understand the status of parenting beliefs, home learning environment and children’s emotion-al competence; (2) To identify the relationships among parenting beliefs, home learning environment and children’s emotional competence; (3) To explore the mediating effect of home learning environment between parenting beliefs and children’s emotional competence. The research sample were retrieved from a database established by Chien-Ju Chang (2019), and the database called Kids in Taiwan: National Longitudinal Study of Child Development and Care (KIT): KIT-M36 at 36, 48 months old [Data file]. The 48 months old [Data file] was applied to the project research team, and the project research team provided use after review. Taken from the questionnaire, the total valid sample were 1464 parents with kids aged under 36 months. Data analyses were conducted with HLM 7.3 (Hierarchical Linear Modeling) to understand the situation of parenting beliefs, home learning environment and children’s emotional competence. In addition, Mplus 8.0 software of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were conducted to analyze the mediating effect of home learning environment be-tween parenting beliefs and children’s emotional competence.The research results are as follows: (1) Parents in this research hold “strict disciplines” towards children as their parenting beliefs without high “achievement expectations”. (2) Parents beliefs the providing of home learning environment, especially in the aspects of “diverse environment”, “learning stimulus”, and “learning materials”; (3) Parenting beliefs of “guan” and “achievement expectation” grow stronger as their children getting older; (4) Home learning environment and children’s emotional competence increase as children getting older. For the mediating effect of home learning environment between parenting beliefs and children’s emotional competence, the research results are as follows: (1) As the parenting belief of “teach” starts earlier, children’s competence of “emotional expression” would get better; (2) As the parenting belief of “achievement expectation” increases stronger, children’s competence of “emotional understanding ” would develop faster; (3) The start point and development speed of home learning environment has positive effect on children’s emotional competence in start point and development speed; (4) Home learning environment has mediating effect between parenting beliefs of “teach” and “achievement expectation” and children’s emotional competence. As parents holds higher belief in “teach”, they provide better home learning environment and thus benefits the development of children emotional competence; Moreover, as parents holds lower belief in “achievement expectation”, they would provide better home learning environment and also benefits better in the development of children emotional competence.



教養信念, 家庭學習環境, 情緒能力, parenting beliefs, home learning environment, emotional competence





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