探討「The Conran Shop」之商品風格
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居家用品產業近幾年隨著歐式居家布置概念的興起,並隨著政策推動,而逐漸朝創意導向、追求高質感與美感的方向轉型。以國際間大規模之居家用品商為借鏡,可謂台灣家居產業轉型為自創品牌發展所必經的途徑之一。本研究選擇英國中小型居家用品連鎖店The Conran Shop為研究對象,透過探討The Conran Shop及其所販售之商品,從產品設計的角度,探索其創辦人Terence Conran對美好居家生活之詮釋,並將研究所得運用於現代家居用品之實務創作。本文以文獻探討、樣本案例分析與歸納為研究方法,整理出風格造形、居家用品、Terence Conran、The Conran Shop等相關論述,並確立後續分析及樣本選定之依據,從商品之背景概述、外觀之形態元件、接合關係、細部處理、材質、色彩處理、紋理等層面分析所選定之樣本。本研究以床頭櫃為創作主題,並將上述歸納之結果運用於創作思考中。文末歸納本研究之重點有三:(1)The Conran Shop之商品風格十分廣泛且多元,源自於Terence Conran希望消費者針對自己的喜好,布置各式不同之居家風格,而非套用同一間商店,或同一款品牌之風格、(2) 其商品皆符合Terence Conran「好的設計是98%的常識」之方針,商品之外觀形態元件、材質、用色等,多根據其機能而設計、(3) 其商品各部件多為幾何圖形,表面紋理多為呈現該材質之特性,家具之機能,以及能否真正詮釋自己的品味才是應該注重的。這是Conran對於簡約設計風格之詮釋。是以The Conran Shop之商品乍看五花八門,但本質皆圍繞著Terence Conran「簡單、樸實、實用」的宗旨。
In recent years, the Industry of home furnishing has risen with the idea of home decoration from Europe, and has gradually converted into creativity, high quality, and aesthetic oriented as the promotion of policies. Therefore, learning from massive international brands becomes one of the paths for the transition of home furnishing industry in Taiwan. The study took the British mid-small size retailer of home furnishing, The Conran Shop, as the main subject, in order to explore how Terence Conran, the founder of the brand, expresses the meaning of good living through the exploration of their merchandise from the perspective of product design, and applied the result into practical design. The study took literature review, sample analysis and inductive as research method. Through the literature review, the study had set up the basis for the following research, which analized the selected samples with seven categories: background, form elements, joining relationships, detail treatments, materials, color treatments and textures. The study took nightstand as the subject of the practical design while applying the conclusion above.The final conclusions of the study were as the follows: 1. There are multiple styles in the products of The Conran Shop, due to Terence Conran, who expects the consumers would decorate their living space in different style, in stead of following the same style from one store or brand. 2. All the products are designed by the functions and followed the principle, "good design is 98% common sense" 3. What really matter is, most of the products are geometric, the textures usually shows the properties and functions, and whether the products could present one's taste, which is how Terence Conran expresses Simplistic Design.
In recent years, the Industry of home furnishing has risen with the idea of home decoration from Europe, and has gradually converted into creativity, high quality, and aesthetic oriented as the promotion of policies. Therefore, learning from massive international brands becomes one of the paths for the transition of home furnishing industry in Taiwan. The study took the British mid-small size retailer of home furnishing, The Conran Shop, as the main subject, in order to explore how Terence Conran, the founder of the brand, expresses the meaning of good living through the exploration of their merchandise from the perspective of product design, and applied the result into practical design. The study took literature review, sample analysis and inductive as research method. Through the literature review, the study had set up the basis for the following research, which analized the selected samples with seven categories: background, form elements, joining relationships, detail treatments, materials, color treatments and textures. The study took nightstand as the subject of the practical design while applying the conclusion above.The final conclusions of the study were as the follows: 1. There are multiple styles in the products of The Conran Shop, due to Terence Conran, who expects the consumers would decorate their living space in different style, in stead of following the same style from one store or brand. 2. All the products are designed by the functions and followed the principle, "good design is 98% common sense" 3. What really matter is, most of the products are geometric, the textures usually shows the properties and functions, and whether the products could present one's taste, which is how Terence Conran expresses Simplistic Design.
居家用品, 風格, Conran, home furnishing, style, Conran