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本研究先探討仿生學(bionics)、仿生思維及仿生設計了解其原理之後,文獻探討整理出一些仿生設計的原則:形態仿生、功能仿生、結構仿生、視覺仿生、色彩仿生、介面仿生、運動仿生、文化象徵仿生;依此為中心理論研究,進而考究其在設計史及設計師作品中應用情形及產生的影響;最後再將此思維方式,實際運用於3D數位影像、多媒體及VR(虛擬實境)創作中,理論與創作並重。 運用2D、3D、多媒體、VR(虛擬實境)等電腦繪圖軟體直接無中生有,創作數位作品;從實驗創作過程中,進而匯整出數位媒材應用方式及3D數位影像設計的創作流程,提供設計者更有效率及更豐富多樣的數位創作視野。研究發現: 1. 「仿生思維」方式具有大量優質的參考資料,的確對數位藝術創作者帶來更豐富、更有趣的創意啟發,增加創作時的深度、廣度、速度。 2. 大自然裏各種具天然美感的造形、形式、比例、顏色、質感、圖案…等是人類共同認知的美感語言;且以自然萬物為象徵題材而得的仿生文化象徵意義是設計師與觀者間最容易傳達、溝通的方式之一。 3.「仿生思維」的運用,讓藝術創作作品更具天然的生命力:顯現出作品的有機性與親和力;更將自然、科學與藝術融合於一體。 4. 活用「仿生設計原則」易於達成「自然美」、「科幻美學」的要求,使作品深具自然力與想像力;激起人們對大自然有更敏感的知覺能力,由衷對大自然投注心力與興趣,更愛護大自然。 5. 運用3D立體繪圖軟體的擬真特性,提供數位創作更大的彈性空間;3D與 2D在創作風格上有極大的不同,創作者可多利用這些差異性營造更獨特的作品。 6. 3D立體繪圖軟體對「質感」變化的掌控更自然容易,給了創作者更自由的試驗空間,增添了許多創作的可能性。 7. 3D立體繪圖結合VR( Virtual Reality)的虛擬實境技術,配合適當的音樂與音效產生出更具臨場感、身歷其境的感受,對平面設計創作是一大變革。 8. 設計師選用不同的媒材技術協助自己創作,其創作的形式和理念也深受創作媒材的影響;3D數位媒材及VR設計應用,確實有助於創作者想像力更加狂野奔騰;但唯有具有自然與人文關懷的內涵,才能真正動人心弦。
As such, the principles of bionics, the thinking of bionics and bionic design were investigated in this thesis and some selected principles of bionic design such as shape bionics, function bionics, structure bionics, vision bionics, color bionics, interface bionics, sport bionics and culture symbolism bionics were also sorted out from literature review. These principles were used as the foundation of this research to further examine the implication and impacts generated on the design history and also on designers’ works. Finally, the principles of bionics were applied to the creation with 3D digital image, multimedia and virtual reality in this thesis to lay equal stress on theory and creative work. Computer graphics software such 2D, 3D, multimedia and VR has been applied in the digital design. The application of digital media and the process of 3D digital design have been derived from the process of experimental creation and could be provided designers a more effective way and diversified vision of digital design. In this research, it is found: 1. “The thinking of bionics” is with a lot of qualitative reference data, which indeed could bring more abundant and interesting creative inspiration to the digital image artists so as to increase the depth, width and speed of design works. 2. Various beautiful shapes, forms, proportions, colors, texture, graphics found from the nature are the common language for esthetics recognized by human beings. The symbolic meaning of bionic culture inspired by the living beings of the nature is one of the most communicative ways used between designers and viewers. 3. The application of “the principles of bionic design” endows the designed artistic works with more natural vitality, shows the “organic function” and “affinity” of the works and blends nature, science and art into one. 4. Flexibly make good use of “the principles of bionic design” will help the works meet the requirement of “the beauties of nature” and “scientific esthetics”, endows the works with natural elements and imagination, and arouse human beings to more delicate sensation to the nature so as to pay more attention and interest to the nature, and cherish the nature. 5. The life-like characteristic of 3D graphics software allows more space for digital creation. Huge difference exists in the styles of 3D and 2D works; the designers could make good uses of the differences to create more unique works. 6. 3D graphics software makes the master of the changes in “texture” easier, allowing artists more space to test out new designs and increase more possibilities in creation. 7. 3D graphics software combined with VR (virtual reality) techniques and supported by pertinent music and sound effect, generating a simulated sense like being on spot, is indeed a complete revolution for the graphic designers. 8. Designers adopt different media techniques as a supplementary tool to complete a design; the form and concept of the artistic works are influenced by the media techniques accordingly. 3D digital media and VR design application could help artists present their free imagination; however, only the artistic works with nature content and humanistic care could touch a string of human’s heart.



仿生學, 仿生思維, 仿生設計學, 3D數位影像設計, 數位創作, 多媒體, bionics, the thinking of bionics, bionic design, 3D digital image design, digital creation, multimedia

