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本研究以Ajzen(1985)提出的計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB)為基礎來探究消費者對節能燈泡的購買意願。並且加入先前鮮少有學者研究的心理效益變數,探究消費者對於產品的態度。本研究以問卷發放形式進行,採取便利抽樣的方式,並在免費之名問卷網mySurvey做為主要發放平臺。有效問卷回收共412份。問卷中Cronbach’s α值、複合信度、收斂效度與區別效度皆達要求標準,證實了本研究中所有變數皆達有效與一致性的程度。
Since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, global technological development has been severely damaging the environment. However, with business companies and environmental groups constantly advocating and emphasizing the importance of environmental protection, public awareness of environmental protection has increased resulting in a greater respect to nature and enhanced notions of sustainable development. At the same time, purchase of “green” or “environmentally friendly” products is encouraged in the market. Considering that it is one of the most common products found in the people’s home and consumers frequently come into contact with it, we use the energy-saving light bulb as the product of this research. The theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen (1985) is applied to explore consumers’ intentions of purchasing energy-saving bulbs. Besides, variables of psychological benefits that previously received little attention from the scholars are also taken into account. Our study employs survey and convenience sampling approaches to conduct the research on the mySurvey website. A total of 450 copies of questionnaires were collected with 412 copies being valid. The results of the Cronbach's α, composite reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity confirm to the required standards, as well as all the variables are confirmed as being valid and consistent. The results show that consumers’ environmental concerns, psychological benefits, utilitarian benefits, and economic factors for product attitude have positive and significant impact. Environmental concerns for product attitude have positive and significant moderation when product knowledge is added. Product attitude and perceived behavioral control positively impact purchase intentions, while subjective norm do not show such impact.
Since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, global technological development has been severely damaging the environment. However, with business companies and environmental groups constantly advocating and emphasizing the importance of environmental protection, public awareness of environmental protection has increased resulting in a greater respect to nature and enhanced notions of sustainable development. At the same time, purchase of “green” or “environmentally friendly” products is encouraged in the market. Considering that it is one of the most common products found in the people’s home and consumers frequently come into contact with it, we use the energy-saving light bulb as the product of this research. The theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen (1985) is applied to explore consumers’ intentions of purchasing energy-saving bulbs. Besides, variables of psychological benefits that previously received little attention from the scholars are also taken into account. Our study employs survey and convenience sampling approaches to conduct the research on the mySurvey website. A total of 450 copies of questionnaires were collected with 412 copies being valid. The results of the Cronbach's α, composite reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity confirm to the required standards, as well as all the variables are confirmed as being valid and consistent. The results show that consumers’ environmental concerns, psychological benefits, utilitarian benefits, and economic factors for product attitude have positive and significant impact. Environmental concerns for product attitude have positive and significant moderation when product knowledge is added. Product attitude and perceived behavioral control positively impact purchase intentions, while subjective norm do not show such impact.
計畫行為理論, 環境關懷, 功利利益, 心理效益, Theory of Planned Behavior, Environmental Concerns, Utilitarian Benefits, Psychology Benefits