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本研究旨在參考國內外領導才能課程發展模式及相關文獻所編寫設計成適合我國四年級資優學生的領導才能課程,經由十週的實驗教學後,探討此課程對增進國小資優學生領導能力、自我觀念之影響。 本研究以實驗研究法為主,輔以觀察法與訪問法,採用「前後測準實驗設計」,以立意取樣的方式選取台北市二所國小四年級資優學生為研究對象。實驗組為22名資優學生、控制組為16名資優學生。實驗組學生參加十週的實驗教學(每星期一次兩節課或三節課,每節40分鐘),控制組則接受原資優班的教學,無實驗處理。以「人際經驗量表」及「兒童自我態度問卷」為研究工具,所得資料進行單因子共變數分析進行假設考驗。以及「學生單元回饋表結果」、「學生訪談內容」、「教師教學、觀察、訪談內容」之質性資料進行分析。本研究主要結果如下。 (一)、領導才能課程對國小資優學生領導能力而言,實驗組學生顯著優於控制組學生。 (二)、實驗組學生在個人特質、同理心、溝通技巧、團體動力、做決定與計畫、問題解決的分數均顯著優於控制組學生。 (三)、實驗組學生在人際關係未顯著優於控制組學生。 (四)、領導才能課程對國小資優學生自我觀念而言,實驗組學生顯著優於控制組學生。 (五)、實驗組學生在對自己身體特質的態度、對自己能力與成就的態度、對自己人格特質的態度均顯著優於控制組學生。 (六)、實驗組學生在對外界的接納態度及對自己的價值系統與信念分數未顯著優於控制組學生。 (七)、在實驗組學生與教師的教學回饋方面,此課程受到多數學生與教師的肯定與喜愛。 根據本研究結果,研究者提出領導才能課程在教學上及未來相關研究的建議。
ABSTRACT This thesis aims to design a leadership course for fourth grade gifted students after having referred to domestic and foreign leadership courses and the literature. In a ten-week experiment, we tend to discuss the affect of the designed course onto the leadership capability and the self-concept of target elementary students. Non-equivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design is mainly adopted in this thesis. Contrastive experiments, direct observation and interviews are qualifying complements. Subjects are purposive sampled from two elementary schools in Taipei City. Twenty-two gifted students form the intervention group and sixteen in the controlled group. Intervention group attends an experimental class and control group studies in the original class with no additional manipulations. Interpersonal Experiment Measure and Self-image Questionnaire for Children are adopted in the measurement. One-way analysis of covariance is used to test the hypothesis. The results of a “Unit Evaluation Sheet”, student interviews and instructors’ “observation and interviews” are analyzed as a qualification. The main results are: 1. In terms of leadership capability, the intervention group is significantly better than the controlled group. 2. The grades of personal characteristics, empathy, communication skills, group participation, decision and plan making and problem solving in the intervention group are significantly better than those of the controlled group. 3. There is no significant difference in terms of interpersonal relationship between the groups. 4. To the extent of self-concept, students in the intervention group are significantly better than those in the controlled group. 5. Students' attitudes towards body, ability, achievement and self-recognition of personal characteristics in the intervention group are significantly better than controlled group. 6. The aptitude to the society and self-esteem in terms of value system of the students in the intervention group are not significantly better than those of the controlled group. 7. The newly designed course adopted in the experiments is reported to be highly appreciated by the participants and teachers. According to the results of the experiments, the researcher commits certain suggestions to the leadership courses in terms of education and further research.



國小資優學生, 領導才能課程, elementary gifted students, leadership courses





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