
dc.description.abstract摘要 自然和生活始終是圖案的源泉和寶庫。植物是大自然的重要組成部分,也是人類賴以生存的重要基礎,但圖案不是自然和生活的直接再現,而是運用人類的思維和智慧對形式的理解和再創造。在植物圖案設計中,花草紋樣的設計與運用,在我國已有悠久的歷史並佔有很大的比例,無論在造型還是色彩的運用方面,都是令人稱絕的。花草紋樣設計是現代圖形設計中最為重要、最為廣泛運用的題材和內容之一。(陸紅陽,2005)無論東西方,傳統中累積了大量的花草紋樣資源,並形成一定的風格和地域特色,現代許多設計就是從傳統花草紋樣或異域風格中吸收精華特色,或色彩,或造型,無不體現了花草紋樣的設計在其中的重要作用。而花草紋樣在現代數位插畫的創作上,仍有相當大的表現空間,它的多樣性也為現代設計提供了豐富的視覺語言,透過東西方文化的思想融合,不同的主題選擇及數位科技媒材的結合應用,將設計融於藝術,也將藝術融於現代數位設計。本研究共計五章: 第一章緒論,論述研究動機與研究目的,並說明研究万法、研究流程與架構。 第二章文獻探討,從研究花草紋樣設計作品的表現意涵、理論、形態特徵、構成形式、表現技法、風格表現探討及對後世的影響與重要性,進而創作設計。 第三章花草紋樣之視覺表現與分析,分析探討創作理念、創作表現方法及花草紋樣應用於數位插畫設計上,引人入勝的原因,並綜合歸納出各類表現手法。以它為個人設計創作之數位元基本元素,作為數位插畫的創作理念及方向的參考。 第四章作品創作說明和設計應用,敘述作品創作理念、創作過程、實際創作說明,以及創作衍生發展的相關視覺傳達設計作品,將花草紋樣的裝飾風格應用於美化生活上,設計出符合實用與美觀需求的作品,創造不同的視覺設計新風格與新選擇。 第五章結論,對花草紋樣於數位插畫的創作研究作一總結,實踐體現於生活、應用於生活之實用設計觀念。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Nature and life are always the sources and treasure trove of patterns. Plant is one of the important components of nature, as well as the essential foundation for human survival. Patterns are not direct presentation of nature and life, but the comprehension and the recreation of form by the operation of human being’s thinking and intelligence. The design and application of flower patterns have already had a long history and a huge part in plant pattern design in our country; they are a must no matter the fashion or the use of color. Among the plant pattern design, flower patterns design is one of the most important and commonly used subjects and matters in modern graphic design (Lu Hong Yong, 2005). Whether Eastern or Western world, the traditions hoard large amounts of the resource of flower patterns, and form specific style and regional characteristics. Many modern designs take up the essence and characteristics from traditional flower patterns or exotic style; no matter the color, or the fashion, all embody the importance of flower patterns design. Moreover, flower patterns still have rather substantial space for presentation, and its variety also offers rich visual language for modern designs. Through the blending of Eastern and Western thoughts, the choice of different topics and the combined application of digital technological media, the modern digital design can be mingled into art, and vise versa. This research includes five chapters: Chapter 1. Introduction. Discuss the research motives and objectives, and explain the research methodology, research flow process and framework. Chapter 2. Literature review. From studying the representing meaning, the theory, the morphological characteristics, the form constitution, the presentation skills, the discussion of style presentation, and the influence and importance to future generation of the flower patterns design products, and then further create and design. Chapter 3. Visual presentation and analysis of flower patterns. Analyze and discuss the ideas of creation, presenting methods of creation, and the reasons why the application of flower pattern designs on digital illustration design is fascinating, and then generalize and organize individual types of presenting skills. Use this as the digital and basic element of personal designs and creations, for the creative ideas and the directional guides of digital illustration. Chapter 4. The rationalization of work creation and application of design. To describe the ideas of product creation, the process of creation, the explanation of practical creation, and the visual expression related design products that are derived and developed from creation. To apply flower-pattern decorative style to beautify life, design products that fit for practical and aesthetic needs, and create various new style and new options for visual design. Chapter 5. Conclusion. To summarize the research and the creation of flower patterns on digital illustration, and carry out the practical design concept; that is, “Embody in life, and apply to life”.en_US
dc.subjectFlower Pattern Decorationsen_US
dc.subjectDigital Illustrationen_US
dc.subjectComputer Graphicsen_US
dc.titleThe Creation and Research of Flower Pattern Decorationsen_US

