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圖書館服務之核心精神在於瞭解並滿足讀者需求,在提供服務的過程中,若能與讀者建立良好之信任與互惠關係,將有助圖書館服務發揮效益。社會資本重視網絡關係,當關係中含有信任、期望等特質,能使個人更有效率地達成目標,於此,圖書館若能累積並善用社會資本的力量,不僅能維持讀者關係,也能提升服務品質。此外,隨著網路社群的概念與應用普及,圖書館除維持既有之實體服務模式,更可透過Facebook粉絲專頁擴展與讀者的關係,進而累積圖書館之社會資本。本研究之主要目的即希望以社會資本觀點,探索大學圖書館經營Facebook粉絲專頁之效益,包括粉絲特性、使用動機、需求及滿意度、與經營策略等。 本研究以臺灣大學圖書館粉絲專頁為研究對象,並參考Nahapiet& Ghoshal(1998)之社會資本架構,研究中採用內容分析、問卷調查、半結構訪談等多元方法。問卷調查法主要為分析粉絲特性與社會資本運用情形;內容分析法主要探討粉絲專頁發表之主題內容、粉絲互動及經營策略等;半結構式訪談法則為瞭解粉絲之實際使用經驗。本研究共蒐集262份有效問卷、分析2960則貼文、964則留言、並訪談臺灣大學圖書館人員、校友等16位粉絲。 以本研究樣本之分析結果發現,就粉絲特性層面,該粉絲專頁以校友與碩、博士研究生為主要粉絲族群,並以獲取資訊為主要使用動機;就使用滿意度,相較實體圖書館,圖書館粉絲專頁之互動程度與滿意度偏低,但值得注意的是,26~35歲之校友族群對於粉絲專頁之滿意度與按讚程度均顯著高於其他身分與年齡層粉絲,顯示該群粉絲頗有助圖書館累積其社會資本。就經營模式層面,粉絲專頁上之貼文主要以傳遞館務資訊為主,而「其他」類型貼文如照片、重要投票等雖數量不多,但頗能促進粉絲產生認同感,顯示該類型貼文對於累積圖書館社會資本也是具有效益。就使用經驗層面,粉絲專頁最主要之社會資本為關係面之社會資本,顯示圖書館透過粉絲專頁與讀者建立信任與認同關係;由於粉絲彼此互動較少,結構面社會資本略顯缺乏,也進一步影響認知面社會資本所能産生的效益受限。基於上述研究結果,本研究針對大學圖書館在經營粉絲專頁提出一些具體的應用建議,以供後續研究之參考。
The core of the library services begin with understanding the needs of clients. In the process of providing services, libraries can establish good relationships with clients such as trust and reciprocity etc., which help it exploit the benefits. Social Capital focus on social network and contain various characteristics including trust and reciprocity, if libraries can accumulate and use Social Capital properly, the benefits not only can maintain the relationships well but also can promote the qualities of services significantly. Nowadays, due to the mature growth of social media, libraries are able to easily expand services via Facebook fan page and maintain intimate relationships with clients, which indicates that they can accumulate Social Capital more efficiently. Hence, the purpose of the study is to explore the operational efficiency of library’s facebook fan page from the perspective of Social Capital theory, including the characteristics of fans, motivations, needs and satisfaction and management strategy etc. The research takes National Taiwan University Library Facebook fan page as the research object, and uses multiple research method, including content analysis, questionnaire and interview method, with Nahapiet’s& Ghoahal’s Social Capital structure (1998) to complete the research. First of all, the questionnaire survey for investigating the characteristics fans and social capital; secondly, the content analysis method for collecting the operating data and management mode of fan page; finally, the semi-structured interview method for surveying clients’ real experiences of using fan page. The study eventually collected 262 valid questionnaires, 2960 posts, 964 comments as well as interviewed 16 real usingexperiences from actual users. According to the samples of research, the results show that the alumni and master, doctoral students are main fans, who consider that ‘accessing to information’ is the main motivation of using fan page. In addition, the fans' interaction and satisfaction of fan page are lower than using physical library; however, the 26 to 35 year-old alumni are more satisfied and favored with fan page than other age groups, showing that the group of fans is more likely to give positive feedbacks. In business model, the study found that ‘delivering library’s information’ is the main type of posts. Furthermore, "other" type of posts, such as photos, important votes, etc., although the number of the posts are rare, it can significantly affect fans to generate the sense of belonging, which reviews that the type of posts are effective for accumulating library’s Social Capital. In terms of real using experiences, the Relational Social Capital is the vital trait of fan page, which presents that the library can create trust and identification through the fan page. In contrast, due to the low interaction between fans, the Structural Social Capital is relatively scarce, which will limit the benefits of Cognitive Social Capital. Based on the findings, the study concludes some practical suggestions for the future management strategies and research.



社會資本, 網路社群, Facebook粉絲專頁, 圖書館網路服務, 大學圖書館, Social Capital, Online community, Facebook Fan Page, Library internet service, Academic library





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