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環境教育是九年一貫課程綱要的重大議題之一,而動物倫理為其重要的學習主題,然而課綱中並沒有動物倫理的說明與課程建議,因此可能減低了教師教學的意願。 本研究的目的是為瞭解七年級學生動物倫理的資訊來源,以及在動物倫理認知、情感和行為態度的現況,亦比較在進行動物倫理課程後,以上三種態度相對改變的情形。本研究採單一組前後測設計,研究對象為臺北市大安區某國民中學自願參加暑期學藝活動的55位七年級學生,以自行設計的「動物倫理課程」進行教學,搭配自編之「動物倫理態度問卷」進行態度施測。研究者將所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、成對樣本t檢定及皮爾森積差相關進行資料處理,並同時分析學習單的寫作內容,以為量化資料之佐證。 研究結果發現:(一)七年級學生接收「動物倫理相關資訊」的主要來源為電視、電腦等大眾傳播媒體;(二)性別、飲食習慣、飼養同伴動物與照護動物的經驗等背景在七年級學生的動物倫理情感態度上無顯著差異,但後三者在認知態度與行為態度的表現上則有顯著不同;(三)課程進行前,七年級學生的動物倫理認知、情感與行為態度均屬於中等認同表現;教學後,三種態度的後測皆高於前測且達顯著差異;(四)七年級學生的動物倫理認知、情感與行為態度兩兩之間均呈顯著正相關。 據此結果,推斷本研究開發之「動物倫理課程」能正向影響七年級學生的動物倫理認知、情感與行為態度,故可作為環境教育融入國中自然與生活科技領域的參考教材。建議未來有志於校園中推廣動物倫理的教師,以此課程設計為架構,藉團隊模式結合校內外教育資源來進行課程的規劃與執行。此外,亦可進一步探討大眾傳播媒體對學生動物倫理態度的影響,或由質性研究的方式,更深入了解學生的動物倫理態度及影響態度塑成的因素。
Environmental education is one of the major subjects in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, in which animal ethics being an important topic. However, the current curriculum provides neither guiding principles nor planning suggestions to the animal ethics course, thereby reduces the teachers’ willingness to teach the course. This study utilized the one-group pretest-posttest design to understand seventh graders’ information sources of animal ethics and their existing cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes toward animal ethics. The study also aimed to evaluate the impacts of an animal ethics course on the aforementioned attitudes toward animal ethics. Fifty-five seventh graders from a junior high school in Da-An District, Taipei City participated in the study. An animal ethics questionnaire designed by the researcher was administered to students before and after the implementation of the researcher-developed animal ethics course to assess their attitude change toward animal ethics in cognition, emotion, and behavior. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, paired-sample t-test, and Pearson product-moment correlation. In addition, students’ written responses on class worksheets were reviewed and analyzed to support the quantitative data. The results indicated that: (1)The main information sources of animal ethics for seventh graders’ were from TV, computer, and other mass media, (2)Background variables such as gender, eating habits, and experiences of having companion animals and animal care made no significant difference in seventh graders’ affective attitude toward animal ethics. However, the latter three variables had significant impacts on cognitive and behavioral attitudes toward animal ethics, (3)Prior to the implementation of the animal ethics course, seventh graders’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes toward animal ethics were in the moderate level of acceptance. After taking the course, all three post-test attitudes were significantly higher than their counterparts in pre-test, and (4)There was a significant positive correlation among seventh grader’s cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes toward animal ethics. The study results suggest that the researcher-developed animal ethics course could effectively enhance seventh graders’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral attitudes toward animal ethics. The course may also be integrated into the environmental education materials for the technology and life science curriculum in junior high school. The researcher recommends that teachers who are interested in promoting animal ethics in class utilize this course as the underlying structure and combine the internal and external educational resources for planning and implementing the syllabus. In addition, mass media may be further explored for its impact on students’ attitudes toward animal ethics to provide a better understanding of the factors influencing these attitudes through a qualitative research.



動物倫理, 動物權利, 動物福利, 態度, 環境教育, animal ethics, animal rights, animal welfare, attitude, environmental education





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