桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員 時間管理與學校效能關係之研究

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本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員時間管理與學校效能之關係,期望能夠提供國中教師兼行政人員未來在教學及行政運作上之參考。本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,首先進行文獻分析與相關研究探討,據以編修研究工具「桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員時間管理與學校效能調查問卷」。本研究以桃園縣公立國民中學教師兼行政人員為調查對象,發放問卷430份,有效樣本為353份,藉由SPSS 17.0 for Windows 軟體分別以描述性統計分析、 t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe’ method 事後比較、Person 積差相關等方法,進行調查資料的統計分析。最後根據調查結果,歸納出本研究之研究結論。 本研究根據調查結果,歸納出以下五項結論: 一、受試之桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員對時間管理的知覺程度偏向中高得分,其中 以「時間規劃與運用」、「人際互動與溝通」得分最高。 二、 受試之桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員對學校效能的知覺程度偏向中高得分,其 中以「行政績效品質」較佳。 三、不同性別、年齡、婚姻、職務、行政年資及學校所在地區之桃園縣國民中學教師兼 行政人員對時間管理的認知有明顯的差異。 四、不同年齡、婚姻、職務、行政年資、學校所在地區及學校規模之桃園縣國民中學教 師兼行政人員對學校效能的認知有明顯的差異。 五、桃園縣國民中學教師兼行政人員時間管理與學校效能關係密切,行政人員良好的時 間管理,有助於提升學校的效能。 根據研究結論,本研究分別對教育行政機關與國中教師兼行政人員提出參考建議。 關鍵字:國民中學教師兼行政人員、時間管理、學校效能
The purpose of the research was to explore the relationship between the directors’ time management and school effectiveness of the junior high schools in Taoyuan County. The survey research method was used to collect the pertinent data. 430 questionnaires were administered and the valid samples were 353. The descriptive statistics including means, standard deviation, percentage and independent sample t-test, Oneway ANOVA, Scheffe’ method , Person Product-moment Correlation were used to analyze the raw data. Based on the literature review and the empirical research, some conclusions were finalized as follows: 1. The average scores of the directors’ the application of the strategy of time management of junior high schools in Taoyuan County were above the medium with the highest average score in “time management ” and “human interaction and communication.” 2. The average scores of the directors’ perception on the school effectiveness of junior high schools in Taoyuan County were above the medium with higher average score in “the quality of Administrative effectiveness.” 3. The directors’ perception on the application of the strategy of time management of junior high schools in Taoyuan County had significance in terms of gender, age, marital status, position, years of administrative and school size. 4. The directors’ perception on the school effectiveness of junior high schools in Taoyuan County bore significance in terms of demographic variables such as duties and school size. 5. The directors of junior high schools in Taoyuan County considered their time management bore a positive relationship with their school effectiveness. According to the conclusions, some suggestions were offered for the Educational Authority Concerned, the directors of junior high schools in Taoyuan County and further researchers respectively. Keywords: the Directors of junior high schools, time management, school effectiveness



國民中學教師兼行政人員, 時間管理, 學校效能, the Directors of junior high schools, time management, school effectiveness





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