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因應電子競技產業蓬勃發展,瞭解電子競技迷的參與消費行為是重要的。為瞭解電子競技迷的參與消費行為,本研究目的在瞭解電子競技迷的獨特性需求與電子競技迷的傳道行為,及電子競技迷的獨特性需求與電子競技迷傳道行為的關係。研究採用問卷調查,先透過預試進行問卷量表信效度之建構,正是施測得有效樣本391份,以SPSS 23.0 Windows統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、內部一致性信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及一般多元迴歸進行資料處理分析。研究所得結果如下:一、「每月休閒娛樂支出」與「性別」在電子競技迷之獨特性需求上呈現顯著差異。二、「每月休閒娛樂支出」與「接觸電子競技時間」在電子競技迷之傳道行為上呈現顯著差異。三、電子競技迷之獨特性需求與其傳道行為呈現顯著正向關係。四、每月休閒娛樂支出、每週接觸電競頻率與電子競技迷之獨特性需求對電子競技迷之傳道行為具顯著預測能力。基於本研究之發現,建議未來在電子競技的行銷宣傳面上可以年輕的男性學生族群為主要對象,並吸引更多有經濟基礎的電子競技迷,電子競技迷持續關注及接觸電子競技,亦是維持電子競技發展的重要課題。未來研究之建議可以再找出更多影響電子競技迷傳道行為的變因,或是驗證模型中之變項間使否存在中介或調節關係。後續也可於一般正規的電競比賽中進行施測,因本次施測場域並非商業性質,在研究中電子競技迷的年齡、在電子競技上的花費等背景變項可能被低估。
In order to understand the consumer behavior of esports fans, the purpose of this study is to understand their need for uniqueness and the evangelistic behaviors thereof as well as to understand the relationship between the need for uniqueness of the group and their eFANgelistic behavior. The research first went through the pre-test to build the questionnaire's reliability and validity. 391 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed with SPSS 23.0 Windows statistical software package. The results of the study showed as follows: first, "monthly leisure expenditure" and "gender" show significant differences in the need for uniqueness of esports fans. Second, "monthly leisure expenditure" and "having played or spectated esports time" show significant differences in the eFANgelistic behaviors of esports fans. Third, the need for uniqueness of esports fans has a significant positive relationship with their eFANgelistic behaviors. Fourth, “monthly leisure expenditure”, weekly esports frequency and the need for uniqueness of esports fans can significantly predict for esports fans' eFANgelistic behaviors. In conclusion, the practical and theoretical implication, and suggestion for future studies are discussed based on the findings of this study.



動機, 反從眾, 差異化, 消費者行為, motivation, anticonformity, differentiation, consumer behavior

