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本研究以高雄流行音樂中心之鯨魚堤岸O2音樂展演空間的委外經營商業模式為研究主題。首先論述流行音樂中心與高雄的流行音樂環境與發展,並探討可行的商業模式分析架構。研究方法為個案研究、歷史文獻法、以及半結構式訪談,並設計訪談大綱,以商業模式(Business Model)的九個構成要素:價值主張、目標客層、顧客關係、通路、關鍵資源、關鍵活動、關鍵合作夥伴、收益流、與成本結構為訪談與分析架構,進行SWOT分析與商業模式探討。研究結果發現本展演空間的優勢在於場館新穎、交通便利、Live House便利於音樂展演,劣勢則為場館地處偏僻不易聚集人潮、使用多年後設備老舊需更換,機會是處於海港旁邊,可以結合海洋文化與在地美食,以創造多元化經營風格,然而南部音樂人口較少,相對音樂展館多,其他的音樂展演空間恐會稀釋本展演空間的票房與人潮。在商業模式方面,以音樂人才孵化、音樂活動舉辦、國際音樂交流、音樂學習的新興科技使用、建立音樂交流與活動的社群網路,為價值主張;服務流行音樂表演者、工作者、教師、學生、一般大眾,以及兩岸的流行音樂人;進行數位典藏、智能樂器教室、音樂工作坊、流行音樂常態展演等活動,並協辦音樂祭、音樂遊學等交流活動。本研究亦舉辦音樂沙龍音樂會,為小型音樂空間之展演示範。本研究之鯨魚堤岸O2音樂展演空間委外經營的商業模式為國內流行音樂中心的經營提供一個良好的案例分析。
This study takes the business model of the popular music center as the research theme, and takes the live house “Whale Bridge” of Kaohsiung music center as a case study. Firstly, the popular music center and Kaohsiung‘s popular music environment and development are discussed, and a feasible business model analysis framework is discussed. The research methods are case study, historical document, semi-structured interviews. The interview outline is designed with nine components of the Business Model .by Osterwalder and Pigneur: value propositions, customer segments, customer relationship, channels, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, cost structure, and revenue streams. Results find that this live house has the advantages of being novel, having quick transportation, being specialized for small live concert but far from city center. If it can integrate the maritime culture and harbor entertainment, it is the opportunity to increase more niche for itself. The popular music consumers are less but live house are relatively more in Kaohsiung, which might threat the sales of this live house. As for its business model, the value propositions are music education, encourage live show, international music exchange, and new technique of music learning implement. It provides popular music artists, students, teachers, workers, and public with music collection stations, workshops, live concerts, popular music competitions. Present study contributes a case study for the business model for national music center.



音樂展演空間, 流行音樂中心, 委外經營, 商業模式, Live House, Popular Music Center, Outsourcing, Business Model

