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本研究目的係探討高雄市國小不分類資源班教師實施特教諮詢的專業知能具備情形與專業發展需求,並比較不同背景變項(資源班教學年資、普通班教學年資、特殊教育服務年資、專業教育背景、提供特教諮詢經驗、目前服務學校規模)的國小不分類資源班教師在特教諮詢專業知能具備情形與專業發展需求之差異,及了解專業知能具備情形與專業發展需求間的相關情形。本研究以「國小不分類資源班教師之特教諮詢專業知能與專業發展需求調查問卷」調查96名高雄市國小不分類資源班教師。資料分析採算術平均數、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定與Pearson積差相關,主要結論如下: 一、國小不分類資源班教師自評具備了大部分實施特教諮詢的專業知能。其 中,教師們認為自己在「鑑定與評量」、「課程與教學」、「特教基本知 識」層面的專業知能具備程度較高;在「學生輔導」、「諮詢基本知識」 層面的專業知能具備程度相對較低。 二、不同普通班教學年資、提供特教諮詢經驗與目前服務學校規模-特教班班 級數不同的教師於特教諮詢專業知能具備情形有明顯差異。 三、不同資源班教學年資、特殊教育服務年資、專業教育背景及目前服務學校 規模-普通班班級數、資源班班級數不同的教師於特教諮詢專業知能具備 情形沒有明顯差異。 四、國小不分類資源班教師對實施特教諮詢之專業知能有專業發展需求。其 中,以對「學生輔導」、「溝通互動諮詢技能」、「課程與教學」層面有 較優先的專業發展需求;對「諮詢基本知識」、「特教基本知識」層面的 專業知能為有需求,但非進修的優先順位。 五、不同特殊教育服務年資、專業教育背景與目前服務學校規模-特教班班級 數不同的教師對特教諮詢專業發展之需求有明顯差異。 六、不同資源班教學年資、普通班教學年資、提供特教諮詢經驗及目前 服務學校規模-普通班班級數、資源班班級數不同的教師對特教諮詢專業 發展之需求沒有明顯差異。 七、國小不分類資源班教師所具備特教諮詢專業知能與專業發展之需求間沒有 明顯相關。
The purpose of this study is to investigate professional expertise and professional development needs of special education consultation among elementary non-categorical resource room teachers in Kaohsiung, and to compare the differences of elementary non-categorical resource room teachers’ perceptions under diverse background variables, including teaching years in resource rooms, teaching years in regular classes, years of service in special education, professional education background,experience of providing special education consultation and school sizes. In addition ,this study aims to identify the correlation between professional expertise and professional development needs. The self-designed questionnaire was used to survey on 96 elementary non-categorical resource room teachers in Kaohsiung.The methods of data analysis include mean, one-way ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The main findings are as follows: 1.The elementary resource room teachers presume that they possess the majority of professional expertise in special education consultation. The teachers presume that they highly equipped with the expertise in“evaluation”, “curriculum and teaching” and “primary knowledge of special education”, but lower in “student counseling” ,“primary knowledge of consultation”. 2.There were significant differences in the possession of professional expertise of the resource room teachers of different teaching years in regular classes, experience of providing special education consultation and school sizes-numbers of special education classes. 3.The level of possession of professional expertise was not affected by resource room teachers’ teaching years in resource rooms, years of service in special education, professional education background and school sizes-numbers of regular classes and numbers of resource classes. 4. The elementary resource room teachers indicate that they have professional development needs in special education consultation, and they have prior development needs in “student counseling”, “communication interaction consultation skills” and “curriculum and teaching”. The teachers also mention that they have development needs in “primary knowledge of consultation” and “primary knowledge of special education”, but these are not their top priority. 5. There were significant differences in the professional development needs of the resource room teachers of different years of service in special education, professional education background and school sizes-numbers of special education classes. 6. The level of professional development needs was not affected by resource room teachers’ teaching years in resource rooms, teaching years in regular classes, experience of providing special education consultation and school sizes- numbers of regular classes and numbers of resource classes. 7. No significant correlation between professional expertise and professional development needs among resource room teachers.



不分類資源班, 特教諮詢, 專業知能, 專業發展需求, non-categorical resource room, special education consultation, professional expertise, professional development needs

