

摘 要 本研究目的在探討台北縣國民中小學資源班初任教師之工作困擾與專業發展需求,並比較不同背景變項(性別、教育階段、資源班教學年資、特教專業背景、服務經歷、學校規模)之工作困擾與專業發展需求的差異,以及瞭解工作困擾與專業發展需求之間的相關情形。本研究採取問卷調查法,研究對象為148位台北縣國民中小學合格資源班初任教師。研究工具為自編之「台北縣國民中小學資源班初任教師工作困擾與專業發展需求問卷」,資料分析採t考驗、單因子變異數分析與Pearson積差相關,歸納結論如下: 一、資源班初任教師之整體工作困擾屬於稍有困擾程度,教學、諮詢、個案管理、評量、行政層面均屬於稍有困擾程度,諮詢層面明顯高於其他層面;而資源班初任教師於專業發展需求之整體與五個層面均屬於稍有需求程度,「行政」層面明顯低於其他層面。 二、不同性別與特教班任教年資之資源班初任教師於工作困擾及專業發展需求上均無明顯差異。 三、國小資源班初任教師之工作困擾與專業發展需求均明顯高於國中資源班初任教師。 四、不同資源班教學年資在工作困擾上有明顯差異,但於專業發展需求上無明顯差異。 五、「特教系畢業」組工作困擾明顯高於「特教學分班」組,而不同特教專業背景於專業發展需求上也有明顯差異。 六、無普通班任教經驗之資源班初任教師工作困擾明顯高於任教「1-5」年者,而不同普通班任教年資於專業發展需求上也有明顯差異。 七、不同普通班級數之資源班初任教師於在工作困擾上無明顯差異,但「49-71班」組之專業發展需求明顯高於「48班以下」組。 八、不同特教班級數與資源班級數之資源班初任教師於工作困擾與專業發展需求上均無明顯差異。 九、專業發展需求總分與工作困擾總分為中度相關;「諮詢」層面之專業發展需求得分與工作困擾總分及「評量」、「教學」、「個案管理」、「諮詢」等層面為高度相關;專業發展需求之「行政」層面與工作困擾之「諮詢」層面、為中度相關。 關鍵字:資源班、初任教師、工作困擾、專業發展
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate primary and junior high school resource room novice teachers’ problems and needs for professional development. Also comparisons of these problems and needs of professional development were made among novice teachers with different genders, school stages, teaching years, education training process, service experiences, school sizes. A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey on 148 qualified resources room novice teachers in primary and junior high school in Taipei County. The collected data have been processed and analyzed through t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation. The following results were obtained: 1. On the whole, the degree of resources room novice teachers’ problems is moderate. So is the degree of their problems in teaching, counseling, case study, evaluation, and administration. Counseling is the most problematic among them. The needs for professional development as well as the other five aspects are moderate. However, the need for administration is the least wanted among all. 2. In respect of problems and needs for professional development, no significant discrepancies are found among novice teachers with different genders and years in teaching special class. 3.The primary novice teachers generally suffers greater problems and needs than the junior high school teachers. 4.The novice teachers with different resource room teaching years generally suffers greater problems, but needs were not. 5. Problems of group of special education graduates’ are significantly greater than those of special education credit holders. 6. Resources teachers without teaching experience in normal class have more problems than those with teaching experience of graders 1 to 5. 7. Resources teachers from different school sizes do not differ significantly in their problems. But professional development needs of teachers from school size of 49 to 71 classes is greater than those from school size below 48 classes. 8. Resource teachers from different numbers of special education classes and resources classes have no difference in their problems and professional development needs. 9. Professional development needs and problems are moderately correlated. Professional development like counseling and work disturbance and evaluation, teaching, case study management, and counseling are highly related. Professional development in administration and work disturbance in counseling are moderately correlated. Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate primary and junior high school resource room novice teachers’ problems and needs for professional development. Also comparisons of these problems and needs of professional development were made among novice teachers with different genders, school stages, teaching years, education training process, service experiences, school sizes. A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey on 148 qualified resources room novice teachers in primary and junior high school in Taipei County. The collected data have been processed and analyzed through t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation. The following results were obtained: 1. On the whole, the degree of resources room novice teachers’ problems is moderate. So is the degree of their problems in teaching, counseling, case study, evaluation, and administration. Counseling is the most problematic among them. The needs for professional development as well as the other five aspects are moderate. However, the need for administration is the least wanted among all. 2. In respect of problems and needs for professional development, no significant discrepancies are found among novice teachers with different genders and years in teaching special class. 3.The primary novice teachers generally suffers greater problems and needs than the junior high school teachers. 4.The novice teachers with different resource room teaching years generally suffers greater problems, but needs were not. 5. Problems of group of special education graduates’ are significantly greater than those of special education credit holders. 6. Resources teachers without teaching experience in normal class have more problems than those with teaching experience of graders 1 to 5. 7. Resources teachers from different school sizes do not differ significantly in their problems. But professional development needs of teachers from school size of 49 to 71 classes is greater than those from school size below 48 classes. 8. Resource teachers from different numbers of special education classes and resources classes have no difference in their problems and professional development needs. 9. Professional development needs and problems are moderately correlated. Professional development like counseling and work disturbance and evaluation, teaching, case study management, and counseling are highly related. Professional development in administration and work disturbance in counseling are moderately correlated. Key words: resource room、 novice teacher、 problem、 professional development needs



資源班, 初任教師, 工作困擾, 專業發展需求, resource room, novice teacher, problem, professional development need

