
dc.description.abstract由於戰後大量城鄉移民的移入,使得三重市曾為台北縣人口最多的縣轄市,市區內大量的攤販、著名的豆干厝私娼寮,以及深植人心的治安負面印象,構成了三重市的區域特色;若再將攤販業、情色業以及地方幫派加以分析,可歸納出一項共通特性-非正式部門;三重市的都市發展是在何種歷史背景下,並透過人與人之間的互動,建構出如此外顯的非正式部門,亦成為本研究的初衷。因此,本研究嘗試以非正式部門的概念,來分析三重市戰後至今攤販業、情色業與地方幫派的發展與三重市都市發展的關聯。 奠基於日治末期的工業基礎使得三重市戰後成為工廠遷廠或設廠的首選,工業化帶動都市化的情況下,使得戰後至民國60年間,大量的農村移民移入三重市尋求工作機會,造成戰後三重市人口的大量增長。戰後至民國73年間,大量移民移入三重市,在尋求正式部門工作碰壁的情況下,僅能暫時棲身於非正式部門,包含攤販業、情色業以及地方幫派;由於非正式部門具有「不被政府保護」的性質,使得非正式發展過程中,地方幫派即進入並扮演「保護」的角色:與攤販業的關係建構在保護費∕清潔費的強制索取,與情色業的關係從最初保護費的收取以及實質的保護,到了民國60年後轉為保護及競爭的矛盾關係。藉由保護費的索取以及非正式部門的經營,幫派利潤及實力增強,幫派間的爭鬥使得三重市的治安負面印象深植人心。 民國73年的全國性掃黑「一清專案」為三重市幫派發展的關鍵事件:幫派勢力受到衝擊,整體利潤解體為個人利潤,並有進入正式部門獲取利潤的趨勢;隨著幫派的經營面臨轉型,幫派與情色業及攤販業的關係亦重新建構。掃黑後,幫派勢力退出露天攤販群,取而代之的則是三重市攤販協會勢力的進入,並重新建立清潔與保護的關係;情色業成為掃黑後少數地方幫派仍具有影響力的地區,關係依舊建構在保護費索取之上,不過隨著警察取締及都市計劃的實踐,使得情色業面臨轉型,與情色業相關的地方幫派亦同。 總結,藉由分析三重市的歷史發展,及其社會結構,展現在研究者眼前的,即是這一套特殊的社會互動,並在不同時空及政策底下,有著不同的回應。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSanchong, an industrial satellite city in close proximity to Taipei, was founded at the end of Japanese colonial era. Shortly after WWⅡ, Sanchong transformed into an industrial hub due to the drastic influx of rural immigrants. With limited employment opportunities in the formal sector, the immigrants turned to the informal sector which lead to the quick growth of this large sector, and the workforce in the Sanchong City informal sector could be easily identifiable, especially those working as vendors, sex industry workers and gangsters. As the informal sector is “unregulated” and “unprotected” by government, thus while the vending and sex industry was running, the local gangs entered by offering protection, thus constructing the social relations and dynamics in the area. Vendors paid the gangs for protection, yet at times this protection was no more than a form of blackmail. For the sex industry workers, protection already existed through a monthly cash payment to gangs, with an additional portion of the monthly profits also given. Some gangs located in densely populated areas ventured into running gambling dens to increase profitability. By focusing on these lucrative forms of income, gangs generated in a large amount of income, and inter-gang fighting over money as well as territory occurred, in turn bringing about a reputation of bad social security within Sanchong City. The situation however changed when a nationwide crackdown on gangs was orchestrated by the government and police force in 1984. This impacted the manner in which gangs collected money, with some gangsters even entering the formal sector to seek a stable form of income. As a result, the blackmail on vendors ceased, and the Sanchong Vendor’s Association took over the gangs’ role in the role of providing “protection” by now providing refuse removal and negotiating with the local law enforcement agencies in order to provide vendors with a safe and secure business area. Gangs were still actively involved in the sex industry after 1984. Nevertheless the change took place while the crackdown on the sex industry and the urban renewal project went on. The brothels were torn down, and workers were forced to leave, some of which entered the nearby residential areas. In general, by analyzing the historical background and the social structure of Sanchong City, the unique social interactions were revealed. It varied in accordance with the influence of different policies in different eras, as did the response.en_US
dc.subjectInformal Sectoren_US
dc.subjectUrban Developmenten_US
dc.subjectSanchong Cityen_US

