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本研究旨在探討臺北市公立高中資源班教師於十二年國教實施後的服務現況與支援服務需求情形,並分析不同背景的高中資源班教師在服務現況與支援服務需求之情形。 以研究者自編之「臺北市公立高中資源班教師於十二年國教實施後之服務現況與支援服務需求調查問卷」,針對臺北市設有不分類身心障礙資源班之26所公立高級中學進行調查,並以各校之資源班教師作為調查對象。本研究共發出問卷50份,回收問卷47份,問卷回收率達94%。 調查資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差等統計方法進行資料處理,主要研究結論如下: 一、資源班教師在「溝通與諮詢」的服務現況程度最高,在「鑑定與評量」服務現況程度最低。 二、資源班教師在「鑑定與評量」的支援服務需求程度最高,在「行政與計畫」的支援服務需求程度最低。 三、背景變項為「女性」、服務年資「未滿3年」、學校規模「24班以下」以及資源班級數「1班」的資源班教師在服務現況與支援服務需求程度上皆為該背景變項中最高。 四、背景變項為「男性」、年齡「31-40歲」、以及資源班級數「2班」的資源班教師在服務現況與支援服務需求程度上皆為該背景變項中最低。
The purposes of this study are to explore the service situations and the needs of support of the resource room teachers in municipal high schools in Taipei City after the implementation of 12-year fundamental education, and to analyze the service situations and the needs of support among resource room teachers from different backgrounds. In this survey, a self-developed questionnaire, The Service Situations and the Needs of Support of the Resource Room Teachers in the Municipal High Schools in Taipei City after the Implementation of 12-year Fundamemtal Education Investigation Scale, was sent to the resource room teachers in 26 public senior high schools in Taipei. The questionnaires were sent to 50 subjects and 94% of them responded (47 participants). The information obtained was analyzed with ways of the frequency distribution, percentage, average and standard deviation, etc. The main results of the study are as following: 1. On discussing the resource room teachers’ service performances, the category of “Communication& Consultation” hit the highest performance level; on the other hand, the category of “Assessment & Evaluation”was considered as the lowest one. 2. On discussing the resource room teachers’ need of support service, the category of “Assessment & Evaluation” hit the highest need level; on the other hand, the category of “Administrative affairs & Program planning”was considered as the lowest one. 3.The highest performance level occurs in the respondents with backgrounds of “female”, “years of service less than 3 years”, “24 or less school classes” and “1 resource class”.They also have the highest needs of support. 4. The lowest performance level occurs in the respondents with backgrounds of “male”, “age of 31-40 years old”, and “2 resource classes”.They also have the lowest needs of support.



十二年國民基本教育, 支援服務需求, 服務現況, 高級中學, 資源班教師, 12-year fundamental education, needs of support, resource room teacher, senior high school, service situations

