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本研究以「人際關係成長團體」做為介入方法,探討該介入方法對提升輕度自閉症類群障礙學生人際互動能力之果效。主要研究對象為兩名經由新北市教育局鑑輔會鑑定通過安置於國中普通班的八年級輕度自閉症類群障礙學生。團體共計八次,每次90分鐘,其方案乃先經由兩次前導團體行動省思中發展出架構,參考「人際發展介入活動」與「人際關係技巧教學與增強課程」兩種社交技巧介入模式的內容,並透過每次團體的歷程紀錄、研究者省思札記持續檢核修正。研究對象之人際互動表現的變化情形藉由以下三種方式進行評估:一、「人際關係量表」團體前後測,將前後測分數以描述性統計分析其變化情形。二、「團體與班級觀察紀錄」,將觀察紀錄以次數變化曲線圖呈現,觀察曲線變化並加以分析。三、「質性訪談資料」,包含個案本人、導師、輔導老師、團體其他成員等人,在團體的前後進行半結構式訪談,以從各種面向搜集其人際互動表現資料。 研究結果如下:參與「人際關係成長團體」後,研究對象S的正向人際互動表現增加,負向人際互動表現在量化紀錄上與參加團體前狀況接近,但質性資料顯示狀況改善,整體人際互動能力有所提升。研究對象K之負向人際互動有減少的趨勢,其人際互動動機、人際需求有正向的發展。 並針對以上的研究結果作成相關建議。
In this study, the interpersonal relationship growth group was used as an intervention to explore its effect on improving the interpersonal interaction performance of students with mild autism spectrum disorder. The main research subjects were two students with mild autism disorder who were identified in the ordinary class identified by the New Taipei City Education Bureau. The group program was based on the two models of"Relationship Development Intervention ,RDI" and "The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills,PEERS". It has evolved from the experience of the two leading groups and the research continue to examine through the records of each group's history and thoughts. The quantitative interpersonal interaction ability of the subjects was evaluated by the following three ways: (1) the “Interpersonal Relationship Scale” was measured before and after the group. (2) the "group and class observation record", was plotted in a graph of the number of times, and the curve changes are observed and analyzed. (3) "Qualitative Interview Materials", each subjects, tutors, classmates., conduct semi-structured interviews before and after the group to collect information on their interpersonal interactions from various sources. The results of the study are as follows: After participating in the interpersonal relationship growth group, the positive interpersonal interaction performance of research subject S increased, and the negative interpersonal interaction performance was similar to the status before participating in the group on the quantitative record, but the qualitative data showed that the situation improved and the overall interpersonal interaction The ability to interact has been improved. Research subject K's negative interpersonal interaction has a decreasing trend, and his interpersonal interaction motivation and interpersonal needs have a positive development. And made recommendations for the above findings.



自閉症學生, 人際關係團體, 人際互動表現, students with autism spectrum disorder, interpersonal growth groups, interpersonal interaction performance

