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二重疏洪道貫穿三重市、蘆洲市、五股鄉與部分新莊市,乃配合「大台北防洪計畫」所興建,最初以防洪為主要功能訴求,而五股濕地即位於疏洪道北段,早年因台北盆地內超抽地下水嚴重,導致地層下陷,暴潮時海水沿塭子圳流入,長期滯留於積水區,導致地下水鹽化,且塭子圳河口高於積水區,積水不能排出,形成五股濕地,疏洪道興建完成後,工業區廢水進入濕地,破壞原有生態及環境。然而一個良好濕地的永續經營與生物多樣性的維持,除了劃定範圍、建立規則外,亦需要各界各部門的協助,無奈此時國內濕地保育觀念未普遍、民眾認知不足,濕地功能盡失,研究區儼然成一荒地,直到1998年到2002年,台北縣政府提出多宗土地利用規劃案與河濱綠地規劃建置,代表階層主義的政府力量進入研究區,開始從事初步建設;2002年開始,代表平等主義的相關環境保護人士也將目光移轉到五股濕地,開始與政府部門進行溝通協調,並成立「二重疏洪道生態保護聯盟」將濕地經營帶入新階段,而奠定平等主義在研究區地位的關鍵,首推2004年荒野保護協會正式認養五股濕地,進行濕地內完整的經營、志工培訓與生態維護,此時濕地由階層主義及平等主義二者共同經營協調,一方面,階層主義持續推動「大台北都會公園」等建設計畫,一方面,平等主義進行濕地基礎生態調查與維護,試圖達到兩者間平衡,在未來更希望能夠引進代表個人主義的企業力量,將濕地經營推向更完善健全的境地。 二重疏洪道內的五股濕地現今為國家級濕地,應加以重視規劃,在努力過程中,除了考量平等主義與階層主義的管理模式,民眾參與的力量亦不容忽視,民眾對研究區的期待與功能需求,理當被重視作為施政考量,以達到永續發展的理念,本研究利用問卷調查的結果,居民最重視的功能為:「提供防洪功能」、「濕地水質維護與水污染處理」以及「濕地保育,為疏洪道內保有一塊自然園地」等三項,顯示居民對於防洪功能與濕地保育的重視。另以文化理論分析,顯示當地居民帶有階層主義傾向者最多,平等主義傾向次之。其中階層主義者的居民最重視的功能為:「疏洪道內基礎道路建設維護」、「濕地保育,為疏洪道保留自然園地」,而五大功能中,平等主義者則最重視「濕地保育,為疏洪道內保有一塊自然園地」和「提供防洪功能」,五而帶有個人主義傾向的居民則個人主義者最重視的二個功能為「提供防洪功能」、「多舉辦活動宣傳行銷」。由此顯示不同文化類型的居民,對此地的發展有不同的希冀,故研究區未來功能發展,除了顧及政府部門、生態保育人士意見,期望也能適度納入居民意見,讓民眾參與研究區發展,使得濕地在繁華的城市中能達到永續發展的目標。
Erchong Floodway, built for flood protection, lies in between Sanchong, Luzhou, Wugu and Sinzhuang, and the Wugu Wetland lies on the northern end. This wetland was formed because of the human impact: groundwater has been contaminated, and the land subsidence has also produced such phenomena as lowering embankment, rising well pipes, etc. In consequence of subsidence there is about 4 km2 of area below the sea level. After the floodway was built, the pollution from nearby companies flows into the wetland and caused ecological and environmental impact. Without government’s interfere and education for citizens, the wetland was damaged and abandoned, threatening the environment and the biodiversity. Not until 1998 did the Taipei City Government start planning to recover Wugu Wetland. From 2002, the environment protectors started to negotiate with Taipei City Government, bringing in the thorough wetland management such as ecological investigation and protection, volunteer training, etc, hoping to bring the wetland to a better future. After so much effort from the government and the environmental protectors, it’s inevitable to ignore participation of citizens. Their anticipation to the wetland function and their need should be taken into account when the government carries out the policies. According to the questionnaire, in terms of the wetland, the functions citizens care about are flood protection, wetland quality and pollution treatment, and wetland protection as a natural sanctuary. Furthurmore, after being analyzed by Cultural Theory, it shows that the thought of the local citizens tend to be more hierarchy than egalitarianism. The floodway’s functions hierarchists care about are (1) infrustructure maintenance and (2) wetland preservation as a natural sanctuary, while egalitarians care about (1) wetland preservation as a natural sanctuary and (2) Flood Protection. Individualists tend to concern more about (1) Flood Protection than (2) organizing activities and promoting. In the end, after the analysis, it shows that people from different cultural background have different attitute toward this wetland. Therefore, for the better development of the wetland’s function in the future, it’s advised to take not only government’s and environment protectors’ opinion into account, but the local citizens. Community Participation will also help the wetland with the goal of sustainable development, even if it’s inside a hustle and bustle of a city.



文化理論, 濕地管理, 民眾參與, 五股濕地, 二重疏洪道, Cultural Theory, Wetland Management, Community Paritcipation, Wugu Wetland, Erchong Floodway





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