
dc.contributorChern, Jen-Suhen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Ya-Hsingen_US
dc.description.abstract職前準備方案是改善身心障礙者就業相關能力的重要策略,過去研究認為,具備多元特質的方案效果將更顯著,但缺乏實證的研究證據。本研究目的係探討多元職前準備方案對促進第一類身心障礙者就業並降低其所需支持程度之助益,以及其影響因素。研究問題有4項:(1)參加多元職前準備方案之第一類身心障礙者之人口學特性、接受服務情形、就業結果,以及訓前與訓後所需支持程度變化情形為何;(2)身心障礙者訓前與訓後所需就業相關支持程度是否有顯著變化?(3)參加多元職前準備方案後四種不同就業結果(未就業、庇護性就業、支持性就業和自行就業)之身心障礙者之人口學特質、接受服務情形、訓前與訓後所需支持程度之變化是否有顯著差異。(4)參與多元職前準備方案後不同就業結果(未就業、庇護性就業、支持性就業和自行就業)之第一類身心障礙者之年齡、服務情形(服務期程、服務項目數量)與所需支持程度之關係為何?本研究採回溯性次級資料分析之研究設計,由單一社福單位提供 2015年至2019年參與多元職前準備方案之第一類身心障礙者的文本資料,符合以下條件之文本資料才納入本研究分析以回答研究問題:(1)參訓時處於就業年齡15歲以上的身心障礙者之資料,(2)具備有就業意願和基本工作技能,(3)屬於第一類身心障礙者,(4)有簽署同意其資料被使用於研究分析之同意書者。就業所需支持程度以「障礙者職前準備暨就業能力強化開案需求評估表」做為研究工具,該評估工具具有專家效度,Chronbach’s alpha>.7,具備可接受的內部一致性。以敘述性統計分析、相依樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、單因子共變數分析和線性迴歸分析以回答四個研究問題。所有統計以套裝統計軟體 SPSS 23 進行,統計顯著差異訂為 p < .05。 研究結果有四項,(1)2015年至2019年參訓者共127名,以男性、智能障礙、輕度障礙、高職學歷、未有3個月以上之就業經驗、個別輔導時數91小時以上,及以支持性就業為主,平均年齡為24.69歲、服務期程平均為7.58個月,以及服務項目數量平均為5.79項。整體的成功就業率為63%,穩定就業3個月以上為52%,且專業服務對第一類身心障礙者獲得或維持就業具有重要性。(2)多元職前準備方案有助於降低第一類身心障礙者所需支持程度,且在成功就業部分,未就業組的身心障礙者訓後所需的支持程度皆高於支持性就業者、庇護性就業和自行就業三組的身心障礙者。而在穩定就業3個月以上部分,支持性就業、庇護性就業與自行就業三組間訓後所需的支持程度差異不大。這可能代表身心障礙者進入職場後,雖仍需一定程度的支持,但能否成功就業或穩定就業3個月以上,可能有其他重要的影響因素。然並未有相關研究分析不同就業模式間異同之比較 ,故無法進一步瞭解可能的因素。(3)教育程度、個別輔導時數、服務期程等因素對不同的成功就業和穩定就業3個月以上之就業結果上皆達顯著差異,而障礙程度和服務項目數量則會影響不同的成功就業結果。透過Scheffe事後比較和Tamhane’s T2檢定分別發現庇護性就業組的身心障礙者所需要的服務期程明顯較自行就業組的身心障礙者要長,以及支持性就業組的身心障礙者所接受的服務項目數量多於未就業組之身心障礙者。(4)年齡和服務項目數量對第一類身心障礙者訓後所需的支持程度有顯著關係,能共同解釋39%的變異量。最後,多元且長期的職前準備方案有助於改善第一類身心障礙者所需的支持程度及就業狀況,也是協助第一類身心障礙者就業的踏腳石。同時建議職重服務系統應建立長期且多元的職前準備資源;擴大與企業合作的機會,並增加實習職場種類和實習時間;建立長期就業追蹤系統,以瞭解對身心障者長期穩定就業的效益,以及建立同步提供多元職前準備方案和支持性就業服務的模式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study aimed to explore the benefit and the influencing factors of a multiple pre-vocational training program in promoting the employment outcome and needs of support of persons with the first type disability. There is still a lack of evidence to support the effects of the pre-vocational training programs for persons with disability. The research questions includes: (1) the demographic characteristics, service situations, employment outcome, and changes in the degree of support need for persons with the first type disability who participated in the program; (2)the changes in the degree of support need by persons with disability at pre- and post-training; (3)the differences in demographic characteristics, service situations, and the degree of support need of persons with disability of different employment outcomes after participating in the program? (4) the relationship between the age, service situations and the degree of support need of persons with disability after participating in the program?This is a retrospective secondary data analysis study. The data of persons with the first type disability, who participated in the pre-vocational training program from 2015 to 2019 were provided by a single social welfare institute. The data that meets the following criteria are included in the analysis of this study to answer the research questions:(1) Information on persons with disability who were over 15 years of age at the time of training; (2) the data of individuals who have the willingness to work and basic job skills;(3) the data of persons with the first type disability;(4) the data of individuals who have signed a consent form agreeing that their data will be used for research and analysis.The degree of support need for employment using the" Pre-Vocational Preparation and Employability Strengthening Needs Assessment Form for People with Disabilities " as the research instrument, which has expert validity and acceptable internal consistency (Chronbach’s alpha >.7). Descriptive statistical analysis, paired t-test, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, one-way ANCOVA and linear regression were used to answer the research questions. All the statistics were conducted by SPSS 23 and the statistical significant difference was p <.05. There arefour research results in this study. (1) From 2015 to 2019, there were 127 participants. The average age was 24.69 years, the average service period was 7.58 months, and the average number of service items was 5.79. Most of them are individuals with intellectual disabilities, mild disabilities, higher vocational education, no employment experience of more than 3 months. The average individual counseling hours was more than 91 hours and the most of the participants gained a job after training through the supportive employment. The overall successful employment rate is 63%, the stable employment rate for more than 3 months is 52%. The results indicated that professional prevocational services are important for the first type of people with disabilities to obtain or maintain employment. (2) The multiple pre-vocational training program helps to reduce the degree of support need of persons with the first type disability, and the degree of support need of the unemployed group post-training is higher than that of supportive employment, sheltered employment and self-employment. As for those with the stable employment for more than 3 months, there is little difference in the degree of support need post-training among individuals with supportive employment, sheltered employment and self-employment. These results indicated that after entering the workplace persons with the first type disability still need a certain degree of support. Further study is needed to explore the possible influencing the effects of the prevocational training program. (3) Education level, individual counseling hours, and lasting service period have significant influence on the differences in the employment outcome of different successful employment and stable employment for more than 3 months. Scheffe's post hoc comparison and Tamhane's T2 test showed that the lasting service period required by the participants who gained the sheltered employment is significantly longer than those who gain a job by themselves. The number of service items received in individuals of the supportive employment group was more than that in those in the unemployed group. (4) Age and the number of service items have a significant relationship with the degree of support need by the first type of people with disabilities post-training, which can jointly explain 39% of the variation of employment outcome.Finally, a diversified and long-term pre-vocational training program helps to improve the level of support and employment status of individuals with the first type of disabilities, and it is also a stepping stone to help them obtain employment. It was suggested that long-term and diversified pre-service preparation resources is efficient in improving the independency and employment of individuals with the first type disability. The services resource should include versatile the types of internship occupation and long-lasting program because prevocational program with those characteristics is proved by this study to be beneficial in terms of independency and employment outcome for individuals with the first type disabilities.en_US
dc.subjectdegree of supporten_US
dc.subjectemployment outcomesen_US
dc.subjectmultiple pre-vocational training programen_US
dc.subjectperson with disabilityen_US
dc.titleThe Benefit of a Multiple Pre-Vocational Training Program on Persons With the First Type Disability--A Single Social Welfare Institute As an Exampleen_US


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