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本研究透過訪談、小組座談、觀察、文件分析等方式,企圖了解在國民小學教師心中的教育哲學信念有哪些,以及這些信念在班級經營實務上產生哪些影響。主要研究參與者一人,另有十多位深度訪談對象,均為國小現職老師,研究聚焦於班級經營中各種制度、獎懲辦法、班級文化、師生關係、學生輔導等等面向的探討,最後並透過深度對談跟研究參與者一起比對確認研究分析結果。 主要研究發現如下: 一、影響一般國小教師班級經營的教育哲學信念主要有:競爭、公平、和諧、自動、秩序、安全、控制、快樂、誠實、績效、成長、中庸、義務權利、限時完成、遷就現實。每個老師對於這些信念的理解與剖析角度並不相同,主要是受到個人經驗、社會事件、環境文化的影響,學生家長、學校同事也都是重要影響因素。 二、影響主要研究參與者班級經營的教育哲學信念有:成長、快樂、感恩、相互尊重、自我肯定,在其班級經營各項舉措上,均可發現這些信念對於日常班級事務的影響。 本研究建議師資培育課程以及國小在職進修研習應該對於這些信念作較為深入的引導探討,以協助教師做出更為縝密周延的班級經營決定。
This research attempts to understand what the teachers' philosophical beliefs of education are and what the effects of the beliefs on their practice of classroom management in elementary schools through interview, group discussion, observation, document analysis. There is one main research participant, while more than 10 in-depth interview participants. All participants are current elementary teachers. This research investigates the systems of classroom management, the rules of incentives and disincentives, classroom culture, the teacher-student relationship, and student counselling. After collecting and analysing data, dialogue with the research participants were held to elevate the credibility of analytical results. Major findings are as follows: 1. The philosophical beliefs of education which affect the classroom management of ordinary elementary teachers are: competition, fairness, harmony, self-motivated, order, safety, control, happiness, honor, efficiency, growth, moderate, responsibility and rights, finishing the task in the due time, and adaption to the reality. The understanding of and perspectives to these beliefs are not the same among teachers mainly due to the impact of personal experiences, social events and environmental culture. Additionally, students’ parents and colleagues are also important influential factors. 2. The philosophical beliefs of education which affect the classroom management of participants are: growth, happiness, gratitude, mutual respect, and self-affirmation. The impact of these beliefs on every aspect of classroom management can be found during the day life in the classroom. The research suggests that the beliefs should be explored in-depth guiding by experienced educators in teacher education classese and in-service training and learning in order to help teachers to make careful and circumspect classroom management decisions.



班級經營, 教師信念, 哲學信念, 教育哲學, classroom management, teacher’s beliefs, philosophical beliefs, philosophy of education





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