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數位影像的普及,使得視覺傳達設計上有了新的突破,利用影像處理合成數位影像圖片,尤其以海報設計更為普遍,透過合成表現能使畫面更加豐富。高雄捷運運輸系統已正式營運,但尚未有週年紀念海報的設計規劃,因此本研究選用此新題材,具有新鮮感與挑戰性,於是欲將數位影像合成的表現手法運用在高雄捷運週年紀念活動海報設計上。 本研究藉由文獻探討了解數位影像與海報設計相關內容,以奠定實施創作的基礎概念,並收集影像合成相關作品進行分析,說明作品的內容形式,包括構圖、美的形式原理及影像合成表現形式等,綜合這些作品的形式以及海報設計的概念,再表現於創作上。海報設計的主題擬訂為高雄捷運週年紀念活動,因此創作九張週年紀念活動海報,分別為主題性海報、高雄捷運車站建築之美海報、高雄捷運公共藝術之美海報、高雄國際機場站海報、三多商圈站海報、中央公園站海報、高雄車站海報、世運站海報、橋頭火車站海報。九張海報中,除了主題性海報外,其餘八張是選定特殊車站,針對該站的特色與建築規劃進行了解探討與拍攝,再虛擬其活動內容製作而成的。從文獻探討、研究分析、實務創作可知1.了解數位影像的意義與特性,能有助於海報中影像元素的規劃與安排2.數位影像與海報設計之間有密切的關係3.影像合成在海報設計中表現方式4.海報設計形式上,運用編排形式與美的形式原理來進行創作5.操作影像處理軟體,實際進行高雄捷運週年紀念活動海報的創作。
The popularity of digital imaging makes visual communication design a breakthrough: using image processing to synthesize digital imaging pictures, especially the poster design more often, which makes a general appearance of a picture more copious through synthesis skills. Kaohsiung MRT is officially working now, but there hasn’t been any poster design plan for the anniversary. Therefore, the research is about this new subject, which is novel and challenging. Also, the research will apply the digital imaging syntheses techniques of expression to the Kaohsiung MRT anniversary poster design. Through literature review, the research realizes the relative content of digital imaging and poster design and then to establish the basic concept of creation. Moreover, the research collects relative image synthesis works and analyzes them, explaining the content and forms of the works, including the picture composition, the forms and principles of art, and the manifestations of image synthesis, etc. Synthesizing the forms of these works and the concepts of poster design, then the creation is shown. The topic of the poster design is to map out the Kaohsiung MRT anniversary activities, so accordingly nine posters are created: the theme poster, the beauty of Kaohsiung MRT constructions poster, the beauty of the Kaohsiung MRT public art poster, the Kaohsiung International Airport Station poster, the Sanduo Shopping District Station poster, the Central Park Station poster, the Kaohsiung Main Station poster, the World Games Station poster, and the Ciaotou Station poster. Eight out of the nine posters are about specific stations; only the theme poster is exceptional. Aiming at the station characteristics and constructions, the posters are created by virtualizing the activity contents in addition to shooting photos after understanding the environments of each station and construction. Through literature review, research analysis, and creative practice, the following can be learned: 1.Understanding the meaning and characteristics of digital imaging helps the planning and setting of the image elements in posters. 2.There is a very close relation between digital imaging and poster design. 3.The expressions of image synthesis can be used in poster design. 4.The principles of scheduling styles and art forms can be applied to poster design. 5.The posters for the Kaohsiung MRT anniversary activities can be created through using the image processing software.



數位影像, 影像合成, 海報設計, digital imaging, image synthesis, poster design





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