
dc.contributorRu-jer Wangen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu-chun Loen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校知識管理導向、類型與學校創新經營的現況,並分析不同的個人背景變項以及學校環境變項知覺學校知識管理與創新經營的差異情形,進而探究學校知識管理導向與學校創新經營的關係,最後分析學校知識管理類型在學校創新經營的差異情況。 為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,參酌相關文獻後,編製成「學校知識管理與學校創新經營調查問卷」作為研究工具。以2003-2008年InnoSchool獲獎之臺北縣市國民中小學為研究母群體,先採普查方式調查此86所獲獎學校,再依據學校規模採分層隨機方式抽樣填答人數,共發出860份問卷,回收問卷計665份,回收率達77.33%;剔除填答不全等無效問卷12份,總計有效問卷為653份,有效問卷回收率達75.93%。本研究以SPSS for Windows14.0版統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法。 綜合文獻探討及調查研究結果之發現,獲致以下十項結論: 一、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校知識管理導向現況屬於高程度,其中外顯導向層面程度高於內隱導向層面。 二、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校四種知識管理類型,以動態型和被動型居多。 三、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校教育人員知覺知識管理導向的程度,不因性別和學歷的不同而有差異。 四、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校教育人員知覺知識管理導向的程度以服務年資21-30年的程度最高,且擔任的職務愈高,程度亦愈高。 五、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校教育人員知覺知識管理導向的程度為臺北市高於臺北縣、國民小學高於國民中學,且學校規模愈小其知覺的程度愈高,但以創校11-15年的程度最高。 六、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校創新經營現況屬於高程度,其中以校園環境建構創新層面程度最高,課程教學學習創新層面相對最低。 七、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校教育人員知覺創新經營的程度為男性教師高於女性,且學歷愈高、服務年資愈長、擔任職務愈高其知覺的程度亦愈高。 八、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校教育人員知覺創新經營的程度臺北市程度高於臺北縣、國民小學程度高於國民中學,且學校規模愈小其知覺的程度愈高,但以創校11-15年的程度最高。 九、臺北縣市InnoSchool獲獎學校知識管理導向整體及各層面與學校創新經營,具有中等至高程度的正相關。 十、不同學校知識管理類型在創新經營的程度上有顯著差異存在,其中以動態型學校的創新經營程度最高,被動型學校的創新經營程度相對最低。 研究者依據本研究所獲之結論,分別針對教育行政機關、國民中小學、學校教育人員以及未來研究提出相關建議,以供參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purposes of this study were to investigate the present situation of school knowledge management (KM) orientations, styles and innovation management of InnoSchools in Taipei City and Taipei County, to analyze the differences between school KM orientations and school innovation management in personal variables and school environmental variables, to explore the relationship between the two factors, and to analyze the differences between school KM styles and school innovation management. In order to achieve the purposes of the study, the method adopted for the study was questionnaire survey. Based on the results of the literature review, “ The questionnaire of school knowledge management and innovation management ”was developed as the study tool. The questionnaires were delivered to 86 InnoSchools from 2003 to 2008 in Taipei City and Taipei County. Then 860 subjects were randomly sampled from the InnoSchools, and 653 effective questionnaires were retrieved. The data were analyzed by using the SPSS for Windows version 14.0, and the statistical techniques were descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. According to the findings of the study, 10 conclusions were as follows: 1.The awareness of present situation of school KM orientations was scored high. Among all dimensions of school KM orientations, explicit-oriented dimension was scored higher than tacit-oriented. 2.The numbers of dynamic style and passive style were the most in the four KM styles. 3.There was no difference among school faculty’s KM orientations in terms of the variable sex and educational background. 4.The faculty of InnoSchool who had 21-30 years of service experience were scored the highest. And the higher position they served, the higher awareness they got. 5.There were significant differences in the awareness of school KM orientations. The awareness was higher in Taipei City than in Taipei County, and higher in elementary school than in junior highschool. When the school scale was smaller, the awareness was higher as well. But 11-15 years of school history in was the highest. 6.The awareness of present situation of school innovation management was scored high. Among all dimensions of school innovation management , the innovation of campus environment building was scored the highest, and the innovation of curriculum teaching and learning was the lowest. 7.There were significant differences in the awareness of school innovation management, and male teachers’ were higher than female teachers’. When the higher educational background the faculty of InnoSchool got, the longer service experience they had and the higher position they served, the higher awareness they got. 8.There were significant differences in the awareness of school innovation management. The awareness was higher in Taipei City than in Taipei County, and higher in elementary school than in junior high school. When the school scale was smaller, the awareness was higher as well. But 11-15 years of school history was the highest. 9.Among different dimensions or the whole, there was a medium to high positive correlation between school KM orientations and school innovation management. 10.The degrees of school innovation management differed from school KM styles. Among school KM styles, the highest degree of school innovation management was dynamic style, and the lowest one was passive style. In the end, based on the findings and conclusions of the study, some suggestions were given to our educational administration authorities, schools, faculties and future studies for reference.en_US
dc.subjectKM styleen_US
dc.subjectschool innovation managementen_US
dc.titleA study of the relationship between school KM orientations,KM styles and innovation management- Examples as InnoSchools in Taipei City and Taipei Countyen_US


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