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警界自戕案件漸漸引起社會關注。一份來自監察院的調查報告顯示過去10年有超過50為員警輕生,在今年2024尚未過完上半年的時間內,又有7位員警因自殺而離世,頻率越趨頻繁,提升員警的心靈健康變得刻不容緩。於此背景下,本研究想要嘗試探討警察單位中員工滿意度 (員工泛指員警) 成因,並以資訊透明度為主軸,以可信度作為調節,利用DCA模型之完整框架,探討三者之間的關係。資訊透明度,在本文中包含三個關鍵維度:資訊揭露程度、資訊清晰程度和資訊準確程度。而本研究再透過數據收集與分析後發現,透明度對員工滿意度有正向顯著影響;然而,這種相關性在某種程度上因可信度而得到加強。調查表明,資訊透明度可以透過影響感知可信度來提升工作滿意度。本論文透過分析與比較執法單位中資訊的透明程度、對組織與同事之間的可信度和員工滿意度之間的直接作用、調節作用與全面的相互作用,對目前現有的文獻進行了補充。這些發現對旨在提高員工滿意度和參與度的組織策略具有影響力,特別是在執法機構等要求較為特殊的環境背景中。
Cases of police officers committing suicide have gradually aroused public concern. A survey report from the procuratorate shows that more than 50 police officers have committed suicide in the past 10 years, and in the first half of year 2024, seven more police officers have passed away due to suicide, which is becoming more and more frequent, and the enhancement of the mental health of police officers has become an urgent task. Under this background, the study attempts to examine the causes of employee satisfaction (employee in general refers to the police officer) in the police force, and to investigate the relationship between these three factors using the complete framework of the DCA model with information transparency as the main axis and trustworthiness as the mediator.Transparency is delineated as encompassing three pivotal dimensions: disclosure, clarity, and accuracy. The research reveals that information transparency yields a favorable influence on employee satisfaction; however, these correlations are strengthened by trustworthiness.The study adds to the current body of literature by furnishing a rounded interplay among information transparency, trustworthiness, and employee satisfaction in the realm of law enforcement. The discoveries carry implications for organizational strategies directed towards enhancing employee satisfaction and involvement, particularly within demanding settings like those present in law enforcement agencies.
Cases of police officers committing suicide have gradually aroused public concern. A survey report from the procuratorate shows that more than 50 police officers have committed suicide in the past 10 years, and in the first half of year 2024, seven more police officers have passed away due to suicide, which is becoming more and more frequent, and the enhancement of the mental health of police officers has become an urgent task. Under this background, the study attempts to examine the causes of employee satisfaction (employee in general refers to the police officer) in the police force, and to investigate the relationship between these three factors using the complete framework of the DCA model with information transparency as the main axis and trustworthiness as the mediator.Transparency is delineated as encompassing three pivotal dimensions: disclosure, clarity, and accuracy. The research reveals that information transparency yields a favorable influence on employee satisfaction; however, these correlations are strengthened by trustworthiness.The study adds to the current body of literature by furnishing a rounded interplay among information transparency, trustworthiness, and employee satisfaction in the realm of law enforcement. The discoveries carry implications for organizational strategies directed towards enhancing employee satisfaction and involvement, particularly within demanding settings like those present in law enforcement agencies.
資訊透明度, 信任度, 員工滿意度, Information Transparency, Trustworthiness, Employee Satisfaction