Easy Writer寫作軟體對增進國中學習障礙學生寫作表現之研究


本研究採單一受試法之「A-B實驗設計」,旨在探討「Easy Writer寫作軟體」對國中學習障礙學生寫作表現及寫作態度之影響。研究對象乃經桃園縣特殊教育學生鑑定安置就學輔導委員會鑑定為學習障礙之國中階段學生,六名受試者在經由「Easy Writer寫作軟體」介入後,比較其獨立使用電腦文書處理系統與使用「Easy Writer寫作軟體」之寫作成品在文章流暢性、文章內容品質與寫作態度等變項上之差異。資料處理則採目視分析與得分百分比方式進行分析。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、 「Easy Writer寫作軟體」教學可提升學習障礙學生文章流暢性與文章內容品質的表現,但受個人因素及寫作次數有限的影響,並不穩定。 二、 「Easy Writer寫作軟體」教學可提升學習障礙學生的寫作態度,但效果並不明顯。 三、 學習障礙學生對使用「Easy Writer寫作軟體」進行寫作的滿意度持肯定且正向看法。 本研究除針對上述研究發現加以討論外,並綜合結論與研究限制提出實際教學及未來研究上之相關建議。
The study takes the method of A-B Design of single-subject design. It aims to discuss the effects of 「Easy Writer Writing Software(EWWS)」to participants’ writing performance and attitudes. The six junior high school students with learning disabilities serve as the subjects, who are identified as learning disability by the Committee of Identification Placement and Consultation for the Special Needs Children in Taoyuan City. The compositions through 「MS Word XP edition」 and 「EWWS」are collected. The writings are scored as fluency and quality. The students’ attitudes toward writing are reported after each writing session. The visaul analysis and percentage are taken to analyze the data. The major findings of this study are as follow: 1. The writing fluency and quality of participants are affected by 「EWWS」. There is no stable result because of personal factors and limited compositions. 2. The participants’ writing attitudes are affected by「EWWS」, but the result is not obvious. 3. The participants demonstrated positive attitudes toward using 「EWWS」on writing. According to the findings above, the study also combines the conclusions and limitations to provide advice for practical teaching and future studies.



學習障礙, Easy Writer寫作軟體, 寫作表現, learning disabilities, Easy Writer Writing Software, writing performance

