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台灣地區地狹人密,死亡火葬後將骨灰寄存於「納骨堂塔」之方式漸增, 「納骨堂塔」已成為各地常見的一項地理景觀。惟民間習俗上重視風水,冀希 納骨堂塔設置地點是廕福子孫之福地,於是選址時常依風水術擇山坡地或都市 邊緣而設,多未考量對周遭環境及地理景觀產生衝突影響。然此長期適用於陰 陽宅之傳統風水術,為綜合考慮自然、人文環境因素而發展出一獨特「人與環 境」之互動評估方法,其與透過地形、地質、水文、生態、景觀等環境因子予 以科學化系統化評估擇址之法相較,並非完全毫無可取之處,由此引發其是否 被「納骨堂塔」在擇址時大量使用之探討,進而觸動意欲探討了解「納骨堂塔 能具福地之象者則必擇優良地形及地理景觀為基址」之實際性究有多少的動 機;據此探討了解納骨堂塔之「選址」及「地理景觀」構成法則究竟為何,遂 成為本研究之主題及內容。 整項研究先從歷史過程探討,了解納骨堂塔空間在構成本質、意涵及外顯 文化語彙,同時亦分析了解台灣地區納骨堂塔設置分佈之結構性因素。之後, 再由現況調查統計或計量分析對選址解析出三個層面構成法則,包括:1.人文 社經條件(供需狀況、分佈狀態及法則、社經特徵);2.自然環境因子(地質、 坡度、土壤、水文、氣候、高度、植被及週遭土地使用等因子);3.風水因子 (巒頭派、理氣派、形煞及禁忌等)及其影響,並由現況景觀調查及透過視覺 景觀理論解析出影響地理景觀構成之三個層面及內容,包括1.空間本質意涵所 外顯於外觀及造型上之文化語彙;2.座落地點之地形、地勢與周遭環境於不同 景深下所形成視覺景觀面;3.納骨堂塔所細分之景觀元素在組織及變化上於不 同景深下所形成構景、視覺感受。各項分析結果亦透過分別對政府部門首長、 私人業者、寺廟住持(或負責人)、設計建築師以模糊層級分析法問卷所獲得 之偏好態度權重比例,予以檢驗印證其各項事實分析結果確為相符存在。 關於納骨堂塔在區位及地理景觀的特色,本研究之主要結論為:1.公立設 置者地點大多係舊有公墓更新而來,地點形成受制於台灣聚落拓墾等結構性因 子影響,然因乃位於平原地者居多,擇址上較無受自然環境因子所帶來的影 響,而以理氣三元派之堪輿擇址立向佔有較大影響,並主導擇址,常透過以建 廟奉祀、公園化或改變在外觀上具傳統文化語彙造型,化解或降低與週遭環境 產生衝突之手段。2.私立者多設置於群山之中,且更是以傳統風水術主導擇 址,以期獲得商業利益,較不考量可能遭自然環境因子帶來災害侵襲,且常常 透過改變為「文化會館」、「福座」之形象及增進優美庭園景觀手段,以化解或 降低與週遭環境的衝突,惟許多堂塔仍直接矗立山頭與其波浪性山脊稜線產生 扞格不協調景觀。3.寺廟附設者地點因受僧人修行所需,喜於有山有水之地擇 址興建寺廟,其擇址行為實際上仍暗藏符合風水術之要求,而所建塔型以八角 塔及方塔為主,更顯突出及強化佛教文化景觀之語彙。 調查分析結果也得知:納骨堂塔在分佈上受人口及社會經濟繁榮發展之影 響而呈現出規模愈大者愈向郊區之農村聚落及偏遠山區設置,致鄰避緩衝距離 加大而減輕其影響性,而鄰避緩衝距離低於五百公尺者只佔三成比例,又以寺廟附設納骨堂塔居多,但其因設置量體規模甚小,干擾市街各種活動及市街景 觀整體性甚小。 此外,針對納骨堂塔興建之決策者,本研究以模糊層級分析法問卷,了解 其偏好態度。得知大多數皆認為自然環境因子仍是在選址考量上佔有最重之權 重比例,風水因子才次之,與實際之情況不盡相同。本研究指出,在納骨堂塔 選址上實施傳統風水術主導力量,較大於以現代科學化地理學之評估選址主導 力量。而本研究提出結合二者所形成之兼具理性及理想性選址模式,只有學者 專家呼應,在實務界往往無法獲得多數贊同與實施。 至於地理景觀構成之研究方面,得知不同類別主體之納骨堂塔,其內外人 文活動及空間本質內涵對設置時周遭環境產生衝突的化解考量,將連帶對選址 及地理景觀之構成產生影響,且選址如受實施風水術而定,立地之環境場內容 於地理景觀上亦顯現出風水景觀之內容,風水景觀內容與巒頭派選址理論內容 形成互為表裏,卻成為實施風水術選址時之重要依據。 最後,本文提出火葬後骨灰寄存納骨塔之法並未符合《葬經》中「反氣入 骨廕福子孫」的要求,無存在風水適用之問題。希望能夠藉此改正大眾對納骨 堂塔選址應符風水之錯誤認知。
With limited land resource, Taiwan is comparatively dense and crowded. More and more Taiwanese have accepted the concept of placing their ancestors’ cremated ashes in Human-Bone Preservation Towers. Therefore, Human-Bone Preservation Tower has become a remarkable landscape that can be seen almost everywhere in Taiwan. Taiwanese often pay particular attention to Feng Shui. While selecting location for the afterlife, they prefer to look for Human-Bone Preservation Towers with fortunate locations, usually situated on the mountainsides or around the fringe of urban area. However, when Feng Shui is considered alone, it is easy to ignore the impacts and conflicts which these towers could bring to the environments and the landscape. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a unique interactive evaluating method traditional Feng Shui and modern science since it considers both the natural and human environmental factors. Within such interactive evaluating process, FengShui adopts scientific and systematic approaches to select locations by considering several environmental factors, such as topography, geology, hydrology, ecology, and landscape, etc. With this in mind, the author intends to explore whether there is positive relationship between fortunate location and excellent landscape . Furthermore, the author also attempts to study the rules of selecting a fortunate location for Human-Bone Preservation Towers in terms of location selection and geographical landscape. The whole study begins with the exploration of the history of Human-Bone Preservation Tower development, in order to understand the spatial structure of the Towers in terms of composing essence, content, and external cultural vocabulary; also, to analyze the structural factors influencing the distribution of the Human-Bone Preservation Towers in Taiwan. Then, based on social survey and quantitative method, the author tries to find out the triple-layers construct law used in site selection, including 1. Human and societal conditions (supply and demand, distribution conditions and rules, societal characteristics), 2. Natural environmental factors ( geology, slope, soil, hydrology, climate, altitude, vegetation and the land-use of surrounding territory ), 3. Feng Shui factors ( Luan-Tou, Faction, Li-Qi Faction, malignant form, and taboo, etc.) Furthermore, the study utilizes current landscape survey and visual landscape theory to find out three aspects that could influence the constructionof landscape, including:1.) The exposure of cultural meanings through the design of space in terms of outlook and shape, 2.) The differently view distance of visual landscape shaped by landforms, relief, and its surrounding environments, 3.) The differently view distance shaped by the visual elements organized and changed of the Towers with different angles. In order to check the appropriateness of the hypothesis, the author adopts the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, with the help of questionnaire interview of government officials, private operators, temple abbots (person in charge) and architects. The result proves the compatibility of the hypothesis to the above-mentioned facts. Concerning about the characteristics of site selection and landscape, the study obtains several main conclusions:1. Most of those public towers are renewed from existed cemeteries. Under this circumstance, the settlement and migration of people often affect their site selection. Since most people live in the plain , they are rarely affected by the natural environmental factors. Instead, the Li-Qi Faction becomes the major force in influencing the selection of locations and directions. Architectural methods, such as building temples, parks, and reshaping of the towers, are usually adopted to minimize the impacts to the environments. 2. Most of the private owned towers are located in the mountain and they are more traditional Feng Shui oriented for the purpose of making commercial profits. Therefore, possible impacts to the natural environments are often ignored. Instead, these operators would use the images, as 「cultural building 」or 「lucky building」, to minimize the conflicts with the surrounding environments. Nevertheless, inharmonious landscape could stiu occur when these towers stand erect on the top of the mountains along the waved spine line. 3. Because of the aesthetic demand driven by monks, private temple operators prefer to establish temples in the locations surrounding by water and mountain. Such an approach implies its compatibility to the traditional FengShui. The Buddhist culture is reinforced since the shapes of the towers are mainly octagon or rectangle in plan. The result of surveying and analysis also indicates that the distribution of the towers is influenced by the population and economic development. The larger scale the tower is, the closer the tower is to the suburb or rural area and even mountainous area. Therefore, the impacts are alleviated because of the enlarged buffer distance. The buffer distance below 500 meters to their urban areas only accounts for 30% of all towers. Among them, most are subordinate to temples, which have smaller scale and size than others, thus arousing comparatively limited impacts to the landscape and activities in the cities.Besides, the study selects the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process to interview decision makers to understand their preference and attitude in site selection. The result shows that most of them believe that the natural environment should be their primary considering factor. The Feng Shui factor is second to their consideration. This outcome is somehow in conflict with the practical situation. The study indicates that the influence of traditional Feng Shui in terms of site selection is practically larger than modern scientific way. The compromised site selection module proposed by the author is only supported by scholars, but may not be practical in real life. Concerning the constituent of geographical landscape, the study indicates that different types of towers have different approaches to alleviate their impacts to the environments in terms of human activities and space design. Such arrangements could also make impacts to the site selection and landscape. In addition, if the selection of site has applied by Feng Shui technique, the contents of geographical landscape of the environmental have also shown on the implication of Feng Shui landscape. As matter of fact, both the contents of Feng Shui landscape and Luan-Tou theory of site selection would be consistence and crucial fundamental of Feng Shui technique of site selection. Finally, the study proposes that the behavior of placing cremated ashes in the Human-Bone Preservation Tower does not apply to the requirement of “Burying Book”. Therefore, Feng Shui as well as the site location for the tower can not decide the desting of the descendemts once the body is cremated. It is hoped that the study can emend people’s incorrect perception that Feng Shui should be considered when site location for the Human-Bone Preservation Tower.



納骨堂塔, 選址(擇址), 地理景觀, 風水, 模糊層級分析法, 最近鄰分析法, Human-Bone Preservation Tower, site selection, geographical landscape, Feng Shui, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, Nearest-Neighbour Method





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